[Ghost] This could be really useful
"Boyle, Vincent M" <vmboyle@nsa.gov> Thu, 30 July 2015 18:35 UTC
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From: "Boyle, Vincent M" <vmboyle@nsa.gov>
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Thread-Topic: This could be really useful
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Hi Everybody, I saw the announcement and subscribed. I like the idea of an organized repository for practical information on standards. While the focus of the Google doc is on developers, I'd like to offer another perspective, that of the user. I participate in an effort to select standards for a large, enterprise network (the US DoD). The goal is to promote interoperability across the network by enforcing the use of selected standards by all major programs that use that network. Specifically, I'm a member of the Information Assurance (i.e. security) working group of the effort. Three times a year we meet to review portions of the standards registry and vote on retaining those standards or replacing them with newer ones. The information that is being proposed for inclusion in the ghost repository is exactly the information that we research and discuss prior to voting. We want to choose standards that offer state of the art security, but they need to be implementable (and actually implemented in products). In that vein, I was happy to see that there would be information on which standards seem to be on the upswing. If we can document actual implementation in some way that is fair and accurate (not easily gamed by people with proprietary interests), that would be great! I'll chime in later; just wanted to put in a nudge to the user community to support this. Mike Boyle
- [Ghost] This could be really useful Boyle, Vincent M
- [Ghost] This could be really useful Tom Ritter
- Re: [Ghost] This could be really useful Kathleen Moriarty