[GROW] Protocol Action: 'Multi-threaded Routing Toolkit (MRT) Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing information export format with geo-location extensions' to Proposed Standard (draft-ietf-grow-geomrt-07.txt)
The IESG <iesg-secretary@ietf.org> Mon, 29 August 2011 17:58 UTC
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Subject: [GROW] Protocol Action: 'Multi-threaded Routing Toolkit (MRT) Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing information export format with geo-location extensions' to Proposed Standard (draft-ietf-grow-geomrt-07.txt)
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The IESG has approved the following document: - 'Multi-threaded Routing Toolkit (MRT) Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing information export format with geo-location extensions' (draft-ietf-grow-geomrt-07.txt) as a Proposed Standard This document is the product of the Global Routing Operations Working Group. The IESG contact persons are Ron Bonica and Dan Romascanu. A URL of this Internet Draft is: http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-grow-geomrt/ Technical Summary "This document extends the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) MRT export format for routing information to include terrestrial coordinates." Working Group Summary Was there anything in WG process that is worth noting? For example, was there controversy about particular points or were there decisions where the consensus was particularly rough? Nothing worth noting. Document Quality Are there existing implementations of the protocol? Have a significant number of vendors indicated their plan to implement the specification? Are there any reviewers that merit special mention as having done a thorough review, e.g., one that resulted in important changes or a conclusion that the document had no substantive issues? If there was a MIB Doctor, Media Type or other expert review, what was its course (briefly)? In the case of a Media Type review, on what date was the request posted? I don't believe there are implementations already in existence, this draft would extend existing MRT implementations, however. Personell Chris Morrow is shepherd for this draft.