[Hipsec-rg] HIPRG agenda posted
thomas.r.henderson at boeing.com (Henderson, Thomas R) Fri, 13 March 2009 22:23 UTC
From: "thomas.r.henderson at boeing.com"
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 15:23:11 -0700
Subject: [Hipsec-rg] HIPRG agenda posted
Message-ID: <77F357662F8BFA4CA7074B0410171B6D07B0BEE5@XCH-NW-5V1.nw.nos.boeing.com>
Dear all, Please note that the HIPRG meeting at IETF 74 was rescheduled from Thursday morning to Monday afternoon; it will now be held on Monday March 23 at 1300-1500. I've posted the current draft agenda: http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/09mar/agenda/HIPRG.txt If anyone still wants an agenda slot, please contact Andrei or me. - Tom
- [Hipsec-rg] HIPRG agenda posted Henderson, Thomas R