[http-auth] Comment on "Signing HTTP Messages"
Richard Gibson <richard.j.gibson@oracle.com> Tue, 30 January 2018 02:55 UTC
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To: draft-cavage-http-signatures@ietf.org, http-auth@ietf.org
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https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-cavage-http-signatures-09#section-2.2 specifies the following: > If any of the parameters listed above are erroneously duplicated in the associated header field, then the last parameter defined MUST be used. This may expose a client security vulnerability for attacks analogous to HTTP header injection. Is there a compelling reason not to reject requests that specify the same parameter more than once? > Any parameter that is not recognized as a parameter, or is not well-formed, MUST be ignored. This will almost certainly limit future changes, since legacy clients won't implement desired behavior changes from new parameters _and_ will fail to signal that inability. Is there a compelling reason not to reject requests that specify unknown parameters?
- [http-auth] Comment on "Signing HTTP Messages" Richard Gibson
- Re: [http-auth] Comment on "Signing HTTP Messages" Yoav Nir