[hybi] WebSocket Subprotocol Close Code: Bad Gateway
Johan de Vries <devries@wivion.nl> Thu, 08 September 2016 14:53 UTC
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From: Johan de Vries <devries@wivion.nl>
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2016 16:53:05 +0200
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Subject: [hybi] WebSocket Subprotocol Close Code: Bad Gateway
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Hello, I would like to reserve a status code much akin to HTTP's 502 Bad Gateway. The description would be the same as for 502: The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid response from the upstream server. My motivation is that I'm implementing an application that allows a website to connect to a server over WebSockets (much like Guacamole does). It would be useful to be able to indicate when a proxy error occurs to the client. I'm not sure what range this should be in, so I'm not claiming a number. I think it's generic enough to warrant the next number in the list (1016?) but again I'm not sure about how this part works. Met vriendelijke groet, Johan de Vries Wivion bv Vierlingsbeekseweg 52A | NL-5825 AX Overloon www.wivion.nl
- [hybi] WebSocket Subprotocol Close Code: Bad Gate… Johan de Vries
- Re: [hybi] WebSocket Subprotocol Close Code: Bad … Adam Rice
- Re: [hybi] WebSocket Subprotocol Close Code: Bad … Johan de Vries
- Re: [hybi] WebSocket Subprotocol Close Code: Bad … Adam Rice
- Re: [hybi] WebSocket Subprotocol Close Code: Bad … Alexey Melnikov
- [hybi] WebSocket Subprotocol Close Code: Bad Gate… Alexey Melnikov