Re: [I2rs-proto-dt] FW: Join WebEx meeting in progress: i2rs protocol design team

Anu Nair <> Thu, 24 September 2015 08:18 UTC

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From: Anu Nair <>
To: Andy Bierman <>, Susan Hares <>
Thread-Topic: [I2rs-proto-dt] FW: Join WebEx meeting in progress: i2rs protocol design team
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Hi Andy

Can you please clarify this .

So the priority maximum will be same as the max-clients , if  we are assigning unique priorities from 1 – max-clilents.
Eg , if max clients is 100  (leaf max clients , range 1 .. max ) then priority range is also from 1 – max .

So the leaf max-clients { .. range 1- 32 } represents priority information also , so it can be max-clients or max-priorities  ??

Anu Nair

From: I2rs-proto-dt [] On Behalf Of Andy Bierman
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 5:52 PM
To: Susan Hares
Subject: Re: [I2rs-proto-dt] FW: Join WebEx meeting in progress: i2rs protocol design team


Here are the notes I have for the draft Kent and I were starting.
It is probably controversial, but perhaps useful for discussing some

On document structure:

1) Intro
2) Definition of intended config, applied config and
derived state for NETCONF/RESTCONF
3) Definition of ephemeral datastore for NETCONF/RESTCONF
4) YANG "ephemeral" statement
5) NETCONF protocol extensions for the ephemeral datastore
    -- defined as a NETCONF capability
6) RESTCONF protocol extensions for the ephemeral datastore
   -- defined as RESTCONF protocol capability

Notes on technical details

 1) ephemeral datastore is never locked

 2) ephemeral datastore treated as N client panes
      - server picks how many clients it supports
      - multi-head support is optional since max-clients allowed to be 1;

  3) each client has a unique priority

   container i2rs-clients {
       leaf max-clients {
          config false;
          mandatory true;
          type uint32 {
            range "1 .. max";
       list i2rs-client {
          key name;
          unique priority;
          leaf name { ... }
          leaf priority { ... }

   If a client is not present in the i2rs-client list, then the worst priority
   value is assigned

   The best possible priority needs to be reserved for the system, or the
    protocol has to make a special case of system-set data

  4) each client writes into its own pane so there is no conflict
     within a pane;  Difference is really what the server retains from
     a partial or failed edit.  Should be OK to save nothing or save all (caching)

  5) a partial operation is one where some subset of the written data
      is not applied because of better priority for that node;  Only allowed
      if the error-option is stop-on-error or continue-on-error

   --> NETCONF stop-on-error and continue-on-error are not going
        to work.  There is no mandated processing order for edits
        Perhaps I2RS can force some processing order to support partial edits
        IMO, all-or-nothing is the only option that is interoperable.

    -->  NETCONF has no way of reporting which edits were accepted and which
          were rejected, for partial operations. Perhaps I2RS can add new error
         handling response data

    (BTW, all of this was removed from NETCONF (RFC 6241) because it was
    too complicated, and nobody implemented it because it was too complicated.
    I2RS WG should take note of that).

  6) caching is optional; a server may retain the pane for each client;
      if not supported then the pane never contains unaccepted data;
      i.e. the server will return an error and not retain the edit that caused
      the error; caching allows the server to apply lower priority data
      when higher priority data is removed

Not sure if examples should be in a separate appendix of mixed into
the normative text (like YANG RFC)


On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 8:49 AM, Susan Hares <<>> wrote:

I understand that Kent is very busy.  I proposed that I start off draft and hand it over to another one of the routing I2RS authors.   I will send out a draft early next week.


From: I2rs-proto-dt [<>] On Behalf Of Andy Bierman
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 11:12 AM
To: Susan Hares
Subject: Re: [I2rs-proto-dt] FW: Join WebEx meeting in progress: i2rs protocol design team


I have asked Kent to be the lead author on this draft,
but he does not have time.  I think a routing person should
be the main author.

The mechanics of editing an ephemeral datastore are somewhat
straight-forward. The overlap of priority-based dependencies
can cause problems.  Detecting those problems so nobody ever
puts a bad edit in the server will be extremely complicated and
the I2RS server could slow down 1000X just to validate all these corner-cases.

IMO it would be better if a routing person laid out the best operational options for routing,
and then a YANG expert can find the most optimal way to do that.


On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 6:47 AM, Susan Hares <<>> wrote:
Hi all:

This is the design team meeting number.   I will be on-line to discuss next-steps for 20 minutes.    Andy and Kent were going to work up text.   I’ve not seen any text from Andy or Kent.   My next steps are to work begin to work on text?

Any  thoughts?


From: I2RS Working Group [<>]
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 9:44 AM
Subject: Join WebEx meeting in progress: i2rs protocol design team


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