[icnrg] CFP: Workshop on "Digital Twin Modelling, Orchestration and Development in the 6G era" in conjunction with IEEE MeditCom, 8-11 July 2024, Madrid, Spain
Marica Amadeo <marica.amadeo@gmail.com> Fri, 22 March 2024 17:28 UTC
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Subject: [icnrg] CFP: Workshop on "Digital Twin Modelling, Orchestration and Development in the 6G era" in conjunction with IEEE MeditCom, 8-11 July 2024, Madrid, Spain
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Dear Colleagues, I would like to share the following CFP since I think it can be of interest for the ICNRG Community. The topics of interest include the applicability of ICN to the Digital Twin realm, e.g., to deploy service-centric inter-twin communications. Kind regards, Marica ********************************************************************************************* *** Apologies for cross-postings *** =================================================== CALL FOR PAPERS First Workshop on "Digital Twin Modelling, Orchestration and Development in the 6G era" in conjunction with IEEE MeditCom, 8-11 July 2024, Madrid, Spain *** Submission deadline: 5 April 2024 *** https://meditcom2024.ieee-meditcom.org/workshop/ws-03-digital-twin-modelling-orchestration-and-development-6g-era =================================================== *** Scope *** To effectively support future 6G applications, the research community is promoting the Digital Twin (DT) technology. By creating the virtual representation of the elements, dynamics and services of physical systems, including objects and humans, DTs are expected to provide crucial support to the ambitious Sixth-generation (6G) applications, like Extended Reality (XR), autonomous driving and remote healthcare. However, to provide such composite and complex applications, the research community on DTs have to face major research challenges, such as the definition of expressive DT representation models to manage the DTs’ dynamic nature and the design of scalable autonomous search engine among a huge number of DTs, with intensive interactions, heterogeneous communications, and billions of services. Moreover, based on the distinct requirements of the applications, different orchestration and deployment mechanisms can be envisioned. DTs are typically hosted in remote Cloud data centers to provide compute-intensive services but they can also migrate at the network edge to provide ultra-low-latency services and quickly interact with their real counterpart. In this context, it becomes crucial to provide optimal DT service placement in the presence of multiple edge nodes with distinct computation and storage capabilities and investigate caching policies to reuse the available DT services that can be offered to distinct clients. So far, the literature has mainly focused on application-specific solutions for DTs, e.g., in the manufacturing field, but new holistic approaches can be devised in 6G environments. For example, revolutionary networking paradigms, like the Social Internet of Things (SIoT), can foster trustworthy and effective DT service discovery; service-centric communications, implemented by Information-Centric Networking (ICN) architectures, can facilitate the orchestration of DT at the edge and their service reuse. *** Topics of Interest *** DT modelling Edge computing platforms for DT Edge-Cloud DT orchestration Social network solutions for DT Information-Centric Networking (ICN) for DT DT use cases AI/ML for DT design Protocols for intra-twin and inter-twin communications DT service caching DT service discovery mechanisms DT optimal service placement at the Edge DT service reuse policy design DT trustworthiness and security management Testbed designs and implementation of DT-based applications Network simulations of DT-enabled 6G *** Important Information *** Submission Deadline: 5 April 2024 Acceptance Notification: 14 May 2024 Camera-Ready: 1 June 2024 Papers should follow IEEE MeditCom 2024 paper submission guidelines: https://meditcom2023.ieee-meditcom.org/. All papers will be submitted through EDAS: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=31484&track=123458 *** Workshop Chairs *** Dr. Michele Nitti, University of Cagliari, Italy Dr. Marica Amadeo, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy Prof. Ali Kashif Bashir, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Prof. Giuseppe Ruggeri, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy -- Dr. Marica Amadeo Assistant Professor University "Mediterranea" of Reggio Calabria DIIES Department, ARTS Lab Via Graziella Feo di Vito I - 89100 Reggio Calabria (RC), Italy ------------------------------ Email: marica.amadeo@gmail.com, marica.amadeo@unirc.it Scholar Google Profile: https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=52c4cz0AAAAJ&hl=it
- [icnrg] CFP: Workshop on "Digital Twin Modelling,… Marica Amadeo