[icnrg] CFP: ICN 2020 SUBMISSION IS NOW OPEN (Deadline: May 22, 2020)

Jungha Hong <jhong@etri.re.kr> Sat, 18 April 2020 03:04 UTC

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	Dear all,


	Apologies if you received multiple copies of this CFP.


	The ICN 2020 submission is now open: 



	Please kindly forward it to those who may be interested.



		     ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN 2020)
		             Montreal, Canada, September 28-30, 2020
		Call for Papers
		The organizing committee is delighted to invite you to submit your work
		for presentation at the 7th ACM conference on Information Centric
		Networking (ICN 2020), to be held in Montreal, Canada, September 28-30,
		ACM ICN 2020 is a single-track conference focusing on significant
		research contributions to ICN as broadly defined, and featuring paper
		presentations, posters, and demonstrations.
		ICN deals with all aspects of an information- or data-centric approach
		toward supporting networked applications. Such an approach treats
		digital objects (i.e., collections of bits) as first-class objects, and
		supports identification, creation, retrieval, authentication, and access
		control for such objects through a global service.
		ACM ICN 2020 solicits research contributions across the full spectrum of
		technologies and architectures related to ICN, including work that
		advances core ICN concepts, architectures, technologies, and
		capabilities; extends current ICN concepts to new networking
		environments and use cases; realizes, demonstrates, and quantifies the
		benefits of ICN in traditional and emerging application domains; and
		catalyzes, incentivizes, simplifies, and supports ICN deployments in
		realistic, operational environments and settings.
		Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
		* Development, refinement, and extension of existing ICN architectures
		* Design and implementation of global and local information-centric
		  approaches, including named-data, publish-subscribe, and distribution-
		  oriented systems
		* Global routing, forwarding, and caching for information-centric
		* Feature advancement of ICN including policing, QoS, multimedia
		  transport, and adaptive network functions
		* ICN implementation approaches based on software-defined networking
		  (SDN), network function virtualization (NFV), or other emerging
		* Experiences with application of information-centric networking and
		  computation in various domains such as Internet-of-things, personal
		  communications, public content distribution/exchange, etc.
		* Information-centric networking as an approach in mobile and/or
		  constrained environments including 5G and network slicing, vehicular
		  networking, autonomous driving, and machine-to-machine communication
		* Information-centric solutions for integrating big data platforms and
		  machine learning frameworks
		* AI/ML techniques to support ICN networks management
		* Approaches to coexistence/evolution of information-centric and
		  host-centric networking, including IP-based protocols in support of
		  information-centric operations
		* Virtualization, operation, and orchestration of named network
		  resources including forwarding, storage, computation, and the
		  distributed Web
		* Platforms allowing specification of computations on data, and
		  orchestration of such computations, including named computing
		  functions at the network edge
		* Software design and architectures to support ICN including testing and
		* Information-centric network management including zero-conf
		* Measurement and analysis of protocols, applications, and
		  infrastructure for distribution of named content
		* Security services including confidentiality and access control,
		  authentication, and nonrepudiation, as well as infrastructure
		* Privacy of consumers and producers of content objects
		* Namespace management approaches, case studies, and empirical
		  evaluation campaigns
		* Incentives, money flow, and other sociotechnical aspects of
		  information-centric networking.
		Submission Details
		The conference solicits both full and short papers. Submissions will be
		reviewed through a double-blind process, and evaluated on the basis of
		intellectual merit, originality, importance of contribution to the
		field, soundness and strength of evaluation (for full papers), quality
		and clarity of presentation, and appropriate comparison to related work.
		Full papers may be up to 10 pages in length, excluding references,
		following the ACM SIGCOMM format, and should convey the results of
		mature research. Short papers may be up to 6 pages in length, excluding
		Short papers should illustrate important challenges or promising new
		lines of research in the realm of ICN, either through the presentation
		of illuminating early research results or through the vehicle of a
		well-reasoned and thought-provoking position statement. Short papers
		will be evaluated primarily on their ability to contribute to the future
		evolution of ICN research in light of the goals described above.
		Important Dates
		* Paper Registration Deadline (Long and Short): May 15, 2020
		* Paper Submission Deadline (Long and Short): May 22, 2020
		* Acceptance Notification: August 1, 2020
		* Camera-Ready Due: September 1, 2020
		* Conference: September 28-30, 2020
		Organizing Committee
		General Chairs
		Marie-Jose Montpetit (MIT/Concordia U.)
		Mohamed Faten Zhani (ETS)
		Jussi Kangasharju (University of Helsinki, FI)
		TPC Chairs
		Ken Calvert (University of Kentucky)
		Thomas C. Schmidt (HAW Hamburg, DE)
		Local Chairs
		Irene Chan-Foy (Independent)
		Treasurer, Registration chair
		Kim Nguyen (ETS)
		Publication Chair
		Lan Wang (The University of Memphis)
		Publicity Chairs
		Jungha Hong (ETRI)
		Hyame Alameddine (University of Waterloo)
		Travel Grant Chairs
		Edmund Yeh (Northeastern University)
		Workshop/Tutorial Chairs
		Cedric Westphal (Futurewei)
		Daniel Corujo (Portugal)
		Demo/Poster Chairs
		Michal Krol (U. Louvain)
		Diala Naboulsi (ETS)
		Web Chair
		Alexander Afanasyev (Florida International University)
		Steering Committee Liaison
		David Oran (Network Systems Research & Design)
		Steering Committee
		Dirk Kutscher, Chair (Huawei, DE)
		Jeff Burke (UCLA, US)
		Borje Ohlman (Ericsson Research, SE)
		Steve Uhlig (Queen Mary University London, UK)
		K.K. Ramakrishnan (UC Riverside, US)
		Lixia Zhang (UCLA, US)