Re: [Idr] draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy
<> Mon, 23 September 2019 16:37 UTC
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To: "Ketan Talaulikar (ketant)" <>, SPRING WG List <>
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Hi Ketan, Thanks for the complete answer. And sorry for my delay in responding. More inline [Bruno] From: Ketan Talaulikar (ketant) [] Sent: Friday, August 2, 2019 4:37 AM To: DECRAENE Bruno TGI/OLN; SPRING WG List Cc: idr wg Subject: RE: draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy + IDR WG since some of the affected documents are IDR WG drafts Hi Bruno, I agree that the draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy [1] is the right place to normatively define the different segment types and perhaps would have been the right document to create an IANA registry for them. I also agree that the draft-ietf-idr-segment-routing-te-policy [2] has a discrepancy between its IANA section 8.4 for the Segment-List sub-TLV space and section (and it's sub-sections) where the different Segment Types have been defined. I will request the authors of this draft to fix the text in section (and it's sub-sections) for the types 8 and above to adjust for the codepoint 9 allocated for the weight sub-TLV. At this point, given the implementations available and already deployed for [2], I doubt if we can correct and map the segment types in that draft to what has been defined in [1]. There is also the which creates the Segment Types IANA registry (aligned with [1]). [Bruno] This IANA registry seems BGP-LS specific. (sub-registry under "Border Gateway Protocol - Link State (BGP-LS) Parameters") On a side note, Ø "The registry contains the following codepoints (suggested values, to be assigned by IANA)" Since you define a new registry, you can populate initial allocations at your own will. IOW :s/(suggested values, to be assigned by IANA)"/ And then I am not sure if draft-raza-spring-sr-policy-yang is able to benefit/leverage the IANA registry from [1]. So unless we can have the IANA registry created via [1] being consistently used in all dependent documents, I do not see much gain in setting up the Segment Type registry under IANA at this point. [Bruno] Make sense, but brings three clarification questions: Is there a need for draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy to define numbers for the segment types (or is the name enough)? If yes, do we need such numbers of be unique (avoid collisions)? If yes, how do you propose to avoid code point collisions in the future? (Or do you assume that there won't be future ones?) Thanks, Bruno Thanks, Ketan From: spring <> On Behalf Of Sent: 01 August 2019 19:10 To: SPRING WG List <> Subject: [spring] draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy Hi authors, Speaking as individual contributor. This document seems to define multiple types of segments (1 to 11). May be this document would be the right place to define them normatively and creates the IANA registry for them. And this seems like a work for spring. Otherwise, there is a risk that other documents redefine them, possibly in a non-consistent manner. (1) E.g. the BGP draft is not using the same type numbers/name, which may bring confusion. I would expect YANG models to also need these types. BTW is there any chance to align the types in the BGP document or is this too late? (alternatively may be changing the types in the sr-policy document) Thanks, Regards, Bruno (1) SR-policy: Type 1: SR-MPLS Label: Type 2: SRv6 SID: Type 3: IPv4 Prefix with optional SR Algorithm: Type 4: IPv6 Global Prefix with optional SR Algorithm for SR-MPLS: Type 5: IPv4 Prefix with Local Interface ID: Type 6: IPv4 Addresses for link endpoints as Local, Remote pair: Type 7: IPv6 Prefix and Interface ID for link endpoints as Local, Remote pair for SR-MPLS: Type 8: IPv6 Addresses for link endpoints as Local, Remote pair for SR-MPLS: Type 9: IPv6 Global Prefix with optional SR Algorithm for SRv6: Type 10: IPv6 Prefix and Interface ID for link endpoints as Local, Remote pair for SRv6: Type 11: IPv6 Addresses for link endpoints as Local, Remote pair for SRv6: BGP: 1 MPLS SID sub-TLV This document 2 SRv6 SID sub-TLV This document 3 IPv4 Node and SID sub-TLV This document 4 IPv6 Node and SID for SR-MPLS sub-TLV This document 5 IPv4 Node, index and SID sub-TLV This document 6 IPv4 Local/Remote addresses and SID sub-TLV This document 7 IPv6 Node, index for remote and local pair This document and SID for SR-MPLS sub-TLV 8 IPv6 Local/Remote addresses and SID sub-TLV This document 9 Weight sub-TLV This document 10 IPv6 Node and SID for SRv6 sub-TLV This document 11 IPv6 Node, index for remote and local pair This document and SID for SRv6 sub-TLV 12 IPv6 Local/Remote addresses and SID for This document SRv6 sub-TLV _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. 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- Re: [Idr] draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy Ketan Talaulikar (ketant)
- Re: [Idr] draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy Susan Hares
- Re: [Idr] draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy bruno.decraene
- Re: [Idr] draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy Ketan Talaulikar (ketant)
- Re: [Idr] draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy bruno.decraene
- Re: [Idr] draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy Ketan Talaulikar (ketant)
- Re: [Idr] draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy bruno.decraene
- Re: [Idr] draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy Ketan Talaulikar (ketant)
- Re: [Idr] draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy bruno.decraene
- Re: [Idr] draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-policy Ketan Talaulikar (ketant)