[Idr] Review for draft-ietf-idr-bgp-gr-notification-01

Jan Henke <Jan.Henke@taujhe.de> Mon, 05 August 2013 16:53 UTC

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below you find my review of draft-ietf-idr-bgp-gr-notification-01. It is
my first review for an IETF draft, therefore I am happy to receive
feedback on the review itself in a separate message.

The draft is overall well written and understandable, however I suggest
the following improvements.

1. Introduction
The introduction states that NOTIFICATION messages were excluded from the
graceful restart defined in RFC4724. It does not mention why these
message class was excluded in RFC4724. It would be nice for the reader
to get a summary of the rationale for the original exclusion and the
motivation to change that with this document.

2. Modification BGP Graceful Restart Capability
While reading this section I was irritated by the "Flags for Address Family"
paragraph. I found out that the "N" bit was defined in the -00 revision of
the draft, but I did not find any RFC modifying it. Therefore I suggest to
remove the paragraph from the document, as there is no change to RFC4724.

3.  BGP Hard Reset Subcode
While reading this section I was hoping to get some information about the
appropriate usage of the Hard Reset Subcode. Providing some
typical use cases would improve this section and make it easier for future
implementations to have a similar semantics in respect to this code.
Best regards
Jan Henke