[Idr] Multicast Geo-distribution features for BGP

Jeffrey Haas <jhaas@pfrc.org> Tue, 16 July 2013 15:20 UTC

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The authors of Multicast Geo-Distribution Control would like to draw your
attention to the following drafts.  The base geo distribution draft was
presented a few IETFs ago in GROW and MBONED.

In very brief summary, for multicast capable networks, there is need to be
able to determine if subscribers are capable of receiving content via
multicast.  When they are capable of receiving it via multicast, there are
situations where subscribers may subvert access control mechanisms for

The geo-distribution draft covers the operational scenario.  The BGP
signaling components of this draft have been separately split into two
drafts to cover their functionality: Multicast Distribution Reachability
Signaling to determine if a subscriber can receive content via multicast,
and Multicast Distribution Control Signaling to provide filtering mechanisms
for multicast signaling protocols.

While these mechanisms can be run in a network along with traditional BGP
forwarding applications (Internet, VPN, etc.), this application may also run
in a separate multicast network-specific context potentially on different peering
sessions.  Hopefully this alleviates the usual concern about "overloading
the BGP control plane".  

One thing these drafts also do that requires no changes to specification but
is a somewhat unusual application is making use of Constrained Route-target
distribution (RT-C) for non-VPN NLRI.  This is already permitted by the RFC,
but as far as I'm aware is not deployed.


We would like to request a brief (15 minute maximum) timeslot in IDR to
cover the BGP specific changes.  Our goal is to request adoption of MDRS and
MDCS in IDR.  We will likely request adoption of geo-distribution in MBONED.
This is consistent with the funtionality split that was suggested as part of
our feedback in GROW and MBONED.

-- Jeff