IAB Appointment to the IAOC
IAB Executive Administrative Manager <execd@iab.org> Thu, 15 December 2016 18:56 UTC
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The IAB is pleased to announce the appointment of Kaveh Ranjbar for a two-year term on the IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC), starting in March 2017. The IAB is responsible for selecting one IAOC member. The selection was made in accordance with BCP 101 and BCP 113. A call for nominations was issued on 5 October 2016. Nominations for 9 candidates were received, and 7 of them were willing to serve. The names of the candidates who accepted the nomination were announced on 3 November 2016. After obtaining written input from all nominees and feedback from the community, the IAB discussed which candidate to choose. After significant discussion, the IAB decided to appoint Kaveh Ranjbar to this position. The IAB thanks all of the nominees for their willingness to serve the IETF community. On Behalf of the IAB, Cindy Morgan IAB Executive Administrative Manager
- IAB Appointment to the IAOC IAB Executive Administrative Manager