Call for Comment: "IETF and ITU-T Standardization Sector Collaboration Guidelines"
"IAB Chair" <> Wed, 25 April 2012 18:00 UTC
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From: IAB Chair <>
Subject: Call for Comment: "IETF and ITU-T Standardization Sector Collaboration Guidelines"
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2012 11:00:44 -0700
Organization: Internet Architecture Board
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This is an IETF-wide Call for Comment on "Internet Engineering Task Force and International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunications Standardization Sector Collaboration Guidelines". The document is being considered for publication as an Informational RFC within the IAB stream, and is available for inspection here: The Call for Comment will last until May 25, 2012. Please send comments to, or submit them via TRAC (see below). =============================================================== Submitting Comments via TRAC 1. To submit an issue in TRAC, you first need to login to the IAB site on the tools server: 2. If you don't already have a login ID, you can obtain one by navigating to this site: 3. Once you have obtained an account, and have logged in, you can file an issue by navigating to the ticket entry form: 4. When opening an issue: a. The Type: field should be set to "defect" for an issue with the current document text, or "enhancement" for a proposed addition of functionality (such as an additional requirement). b. The Priority: field is set based on the severity of the Issue. For example, editorial issues are typically "minor" or "trivial". c. The Milestone: field should be set to milestone1 (useless, I know). d. The Component: field should be set to the document you are filing the issue on. e. The Version: field should be set to "1.0". f. The Severity: field should be set to based on the status of the document (e.g. "In WG Last Call" for a document in IAB last call) g. The Keywords: and CC: fields can be left blank unless inspiration seizes you. h. The Assign To: field is generally filled in with the email address of the editor. 5. Typically it won't be necessary to enclose a file with the ticket, but if you need to, select "I have files to attach to this ticket". 6. If you want to preview your Issue, click on the "Preview" button. When you're ready to submit the issue, click on the "Create Ticket" button. 7. If you want to update an issue, go to the "View Tickets" page: Click on the ticket # you want to update, and then modify the ticket fields as required.