Side Meeting Rooms for IETF 100

IETF Secretariat <> Wed, 25 October 2017 03:06 UTC

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Subject: Side Meeting Rooms for IETF 100
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As announced on 2017-10-23 ( the  IESG is continuing the side meeting experiment in Singapore with some slight modifications based on the comments received from the experiment in Prague. For IETF 100, two rooms are available for first-come first-served (FCFS) signup online. The larger of the two (Hullet) will hold approximately 40 people and will be configured with a U-shaped table. The smaller room (Butterworth) will be configured as a boardroom and will hold approximately 12 people; please note that this smaller room was previously the onsite signup room, so there will be no onsite signup room at IETF 100. Both Hullet and Butterworth rooms will have projectors. 

You can sign up for either room by visiting the IETF meeting wiki and navigating to Side Meetings via the Table of Contents. See: You will need to login to the wiki in order to reserve a room. If you’ve registered for an IETF meeting in the recent past, an account has been automatically created for you. If you have trouble logging into the wiki, you can choose to reset your password. 

The coveted morning, lunch and evening slots are not currently available for reservation, but will be made available at the start of IETF 100. 

Please include your name, email and a short description of the meeting when reserving the room, and please limit yourself to no more than a total of three hours during the IETF meeting week. In addition, please remember that meetings held in these rooms are subject to the IETF Meeting Policy:

IETF Secretariat