RFP for IETF Meeting Agenda Scheduling Tool
IETF Administrative Director <iad@ietf.org> Fri, 25 May 2012 22:00 UTC
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Subject: RFP for IETF Meeting Agenda Scheduling Tool
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The IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC), on behalf of the IETF, announces this Request for Proposals for an IETF Meeting Agenda Scheduling Tool. The successful bidder will enter into a contract with the Internet Society. The agenda tool will manage all meeting scheduling and space allocation associated with interim meetings, Large Interim Meetings and regular IETF meetings. This includes working group sessions, leadership meetings, EDU sessions, BoFs, office hours, registration, breaks, and more. The Secretariat will construct the agenda template in the tool by entering venue, date and time information. The community will input the agenda content by submitting session requests. The tool shall include an interface for an automatic schedule creation capability, which may optionally be included in the initial delivery or procured in the future. The schedule creation capability will generate a proposed agenda by finding the most appropriate match of venue (room capacity and availability) and the session request profiles, which includes conflicts to be avoided. The tool will also be flexible enough to allow for ongoing updates and schedule regeneration as the meeting content evolves. Bidders may propose customization of an existing product(s), and/or development of the solution. The RFP can be found at: http://iaoc.ietf.org/rfpsrfis.html Proposals must be received via email at agenda-tool@ietf-bids.org no later than July 9, 2012 5:00 P.M. All questions/inquiries must be submitted in writing and must be received no later than midnight, June 18, 2012. Responses to questions and inquiries shall be posted online at: http://iaoc.ietf.org/rfpsrfis.html by June 22, 2012. The point of contact regarding this RFP is the IETF Administrative Director, Ray Pelletier, iad@ietf.org. Ray Pelletier
- RFP for IETF Meeting Agenda Scheduling Tool IETF Administrative Director