[ietf-types] Registration of media type application/calendar+xml (revised)
Steven Lees <Steven.Lees@microsoft.com> Thu, 04 November 2010 23:27 UTC
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From: Steven Lees <Steven.Lees@microsoft.com>
To: "ietf-types@iana.org" <ietf-types@iana.org>
Thread-Topic: Registration of media type application/calendar+xml (revised)
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Subject: [ietf-types] Registration of media type application/calendar+xml (revised)
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Hello, Thanks for the earlier feedback on the media type registration for application/calendar+xml. I've published an updated draft that incorporates that feedback: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-daboo-et-al-icalendar-in-xml/. The spec changes based on the discussion feedback include: 1. Changed media type registration file extension to "xcs" 2. Changed media type registration follow up email to ietf-calsify@osafoundation.org 3. Updated several parts of the specification to show how most future extensions to iCalendar can be handled without changing this specification 4. Updated security concerns in section 5 5. Updated encoding considerations Here is the updated media type registration from the current draft: Type name: application Subtype name: calendar+xml Required parameters: none Optional parameters: method, component and optinfo as defined for the text/calendar media type in [RFC5545]; charset as defined for application/xml in [RFC3023]; per [RFC3023], use of charset is "STRONGLY RECOMMENDED" Encoding considerations: Same as encoding considerations of application/xml as specified in [RFC3023] Security considerations: See Section 5. Interoperability considerations: This media type provides an alternative format for iCalendar data based on XML. Published specification: This specification. Applications which use this media type: Applications that currently make use of the text/calendar media type can use this as an alternative. Additional information: Magic number(s): None File extension(s): xcs Macintosh file type code(s): None specified. Person & email address to contact for further information: ietf-calsify@osafoundation.org<mailto:ietf-calsify@osafoundation.org> Intended usage: COMMON Restrictions on usage: There are no restrictions on where this media type can be used. Author: See the "Author's Address" section of this document. Change controller: IETF Thanks, Steven