[ietf72-1st-timers] Welcome to Dublin!

Ray Pelletier <rpelletier@isoc.org> Tue, 08 July 2008 13:58 UTC

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Welcome to the IETF 72 meeting in Dublin.  I understand this will be 
your the first time attending an IETF meeting.  You will find it 
interesting and perhaps confusing.  

This email is intended to provide some orientation as well as set up a 
dialogue among the 1st Timers.  

1. Guide to the IETF
2. What's Happening: The Agenda
3. Who's Attending
4. Networking Opportunities
5. Travel, Sightseeing, Food & Drink
6. Tools
7. Tutorials

1. Guide to the IETF: The Tao of the IETF
  Many first timers have said this document was a helpful orientation to 
the IETF.

2. What's Happening: The Agenda
  2 Locations to check out:
  Secretariat: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/72/agenda.html 
  Tools Team Version:  http://tools.ietf.org/agenda/72/
3. Who's Attending
  You can locate other registrants here: 
  And sort them by company or ISO 3166 country code

  You will see folks wearing names tags with colored dots that identify 
positions held.
   Blue dot - Working Group Chair
   Red dot - IAB Member
   Yellow dot - IESG Member
   Purple dot - IAOC Member
   Green dot - Host Group
   Small Orange dot - NomCom Member
   Orange tinted badge - PRESS

4. Networking Opportunities
  Meeting surveys say many folks attend IETF meetings to network.  
Besides the opportunities during the meeting itself and after hours 
there are 2 larger group gatherings.  The Welcome Reception is held 
Sundays from 5 - 7 pm in the Kingswood Suite.  

The Social is sponsored by the Host.  This meeting Alcatel-Lucent has 
made arrangements for the social at the Guinness Storehouse.  There is a 
$40 USD fee to help offset the cost of the event.  A-L will be providing 
a bus shuttle to Guinness.  Information and registration is found here:  
http://ietf72.alcatel-lucent.com/social-1  Tickets are limited.  
Register now!

5. Travel, Sightseeing, Food & Drink Info
  See Host Alcatel-Lucent site at http://ietf72.alcatel-lucent.com/

6. Tools
  Download the Agenda sessions you want to attend into your calendar 
with ical/vcal files and subscribe for updates.  
http://tools.ietf.org/agenda/72/calendar  Thanks to the Tools Team!

  Want the daily news about IETF activity?   
  The Daily Dose of IETF is brought to you by Pasi Eronen.

7. Tutorials

You may find useful 2 Tutorials sponsored by the EDU being held on Sunday.

1300-1445  Newcomer's Training - Convention 3
Presented by: Scott Bradner

  Covers the IETF document processes, the structure of the IETF, and 
tips for
new attendees to be successful in the IETF environment.

1500-1645  Document Lifecycle - Convention 3
Presented by: Alice Hagens and Margaret Wasserman

  This tutorial offers an overview of producing documents in the IETF,
from version 00 of an Internet-Draft to publication as an RFC.  We
will cover the working group process, and the required and suggested
contents of an Internet-Draft, including information from IANA staff
about writing IANA Considerations sections.   We will walk through
the lifecycle including authorship, WG draft, IETF Last Call, IESG
evaluation, and what to expect during the RFC publication process.
We will provide a set of helpful hints to authors about formatting
rules and editorial policies that often improve the quality of the
resulting documents.  We will summarize the states of the RFC
publication process and provide an opportunity to ask questions of
RFC Editor staff.
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