[Internetgovtech] ❤Re: they inspired me so much
"internetgovtech-bounces@iab.org" <bensons@queuefull.net> Wed, 10 May 2017 03:56 UTC
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Subject: [Internetgovtech] ❤Re: they inspired me so much
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Dear, Just take a look at that amazing stuff some people can do! They inspired me so much! Amazing! Here is the link http://dothan.darrindeloach.com Warmly, internetgovtech-bounces@iab.org From: internetgovtech [mailto:internetgovtech@iab.org] Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2017 11:56 PM To: bensons@queuefull.net Subject: Ha ha. Well, then I commend you on being diligent with your sources of information. And it seems that your police force is a lot more professional than those in many other countries. And I do understand what you're saying as well. The trends that you mention. They correlate with the overall ideas that society broadcasts. But to be honest I believe that this trend (an increase of crime along with a decrease of white populous) is indicative of a much deeper web of causation. Negative stereotypes of people with colour shown by the media are one notable root. Even if you think you are unaffected, consider how many times you've held your belongings tighter when a black man walked towards you. It's a clear example of how the stereotypes directly affect how people react to one another. Of course this situation is amplified when it comes to interactions with individuals that hold power. If you take the same prejudice you had in the street, consider how a business owner would react when a black person applies to a job there. Or a disagreement that a police officer is called to. Overall these assumptions create a self-fulfilling prophecy, the person that everyone assumes is a criminal. Well nobody wants to hire him because he's dangerous, untrustworthy or any other associated stigma. What other options are there. In time this successfully creates a true assassination of a cultures. I understand that there are many, many more facets to a situation like this. Certainly plenty more than those that you brought up. I would go on with my list of assumptions of what situations for people different from myself are like. But, I should probably learn a bit more about these sort of things first-hand first. Rather than just building off of an opinion from what I read on reddit. Sent from Mail for Windows 10
- [Internetgovtech] ❤Re: they inspired me so much internetgovtech-bounces@iab.org