[ippm] Draft-ietf-ippm-delay-var-as-01
Henk Uijterwaal <henk@ripe.net> Wed, 10 December 2008 13:37 UTC
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Hi Lars, The IPPM WG requests publication of draft-ietf-ippm-delay-var-as-01. The sheperd note for this document is below. Let me know if you need anything else from us. Henk - - - - As required by RFC-to-be draft-ietf-proto-wgchair-doc-shepherding [rfc4858], this is the current template for the Document Shepherd Write-Up. Changes are expected over time. This version is dated September 17, 2008. Document shepherd writeup for draft-ietf-ippm-delay-var-as-01, as required by rfc4858, and specfied in the 17-Sep-2008 version of <http://www.ietf.org/IESG/content/Doc-Writeup.html>. (1.a) Who is the Document Shepherd for this document? Has the Document Shepherd personally reviewed this version of the document and, in particular, does he or she believe this version is ready for forwarding to the IESG for publication? The document shepherd is Henk Uijterwaal <henk@ripe.net>. I have personally reviewed this document and would not have bothered to write this not if I didn't feel it was ready for the IESG. (1.b) Has the document had adequate review both from key WG members and from key non-WG members? Does the Document Shepherd have any concerns about the depth or breadth of the reviews that have been performed? I believe the document has received sufficent review from key WG members (see acknowledgements for names). I don't believe there are key non-WG members that need to review the document. I have no concerns about the depth or breadth of reivews for this document. (1.c) Does the Document Shepherd have concerns that the document needs more review from a particular or broader perspective, e.g., security, operational complexity, someone familiar with AAA, internationalization or XML? No. (1.d) Does the Document Shepherd have any specific concerns or issues with this document that the Responsible Area Director and/or the IESG should be aware of? None. Has an IPR disclosure related to this document been filed? No. (1.e) How solid is the WG consensus behind this document? Does it represent the strong concurrence of a few individuals, with others being silent, or does the WG as a whole understand and agree with it? The WG asked for this document after a talk from Roman Krasnowski at IETF-65, the authors then voluntered to write it. It has been presented at a couple of meetings, received support and the authors have been thanked for writing the document as it is needed in day to day operations. The document has been reviewed in dept by about 5 members of the group. I have no indication that the majority of the WG members does not understand what this document is about. (1.f) Has anyone threatened an appeal or otherwise indicated extreme discontent? No. (1.g) Has the Document Shepherd personally verified that the document satisfies all ID nits? There are currently 4 nits: == It looks like you're using RFC 3978 boilerplate. You should update this, as the boilerplate described in the IETF Trust License Policy document (see http://trustee.ietf.org/license-info) is accepted from 10 November 2008, and will soon be required. Version 1.34 of xml2rfc can (when released) be used to produce documents with boilerplate according to the mentioned Trust License Policy document. I believe that this is a timing issue, the document was finished before the new boilerplate was. == The document doesn't use any RFC 2119 keywords, yet seems to have RFC 2119 boilerplate text. This reference can be removed by the editor. == Outdated reference: A later version (-07) exists of draft-ietf-ippm-framework-compagg-06 == Outdated reference: A later version (-07) exists of draft-ietf-ippm-spatial-composition-06 These are again timing issues. Has the document met all formal review criteria it needs to, such as the MIB Doctor, media type and URI type reviews? None of these are necessary. (1.h) Has the document split its references into normative and informative? Yes. Are there normative references to documents that are not ready for advancement or are otherwise in an unclear state? No. (1.i) Has the Document Shepherd verified that the document IANA consideration section exists and is consistent with the body of the document? There is an IANA considerations section. It is empty as the document doesn't require anything from the IANA. (1.j) Has the Document Shepherd verified that sections of the document that are written in a formal language, such as XML code, BNF rules, MIB definitions, etc., validate correctly in an automated checker? Not applicable. (1.k) The IESG approval announcement includes a Document Announcement Write-Up. Please provide such a Document Announcement Write-Up? Recent examples can be found in the "Action" announcements for approved documents. The approval announcement contains the following sections: Technical Summary Packet delay variation metrics appear in many different standards documents. The metric definition in RFC 3393 has considerable flexibility, and it allows multiple formulations of delay variation through the specification of different packet selection functions. Although flexibility provides wide coverage and room for new ideas, it can make comparisons of independent implementations more difficult. Two different formulations of delay variation have come into wide use in the context of active measurements. This memo examines a range of circumstances for active measurements of delay variation and their uses, and recommends which of the two forms is best matched to particular conditions and tasks. Working Group Summary Was there anything in WG process that is worth noting? For example, was there controversy about particular points or were there decisions where the consensus was particularly rough? This document was suggested after a talk on this topic at IETF-65. There was no controversy in the WG process. Consensus was smooth. Document Quality Are there existing implementations of the protocol? This document does not describe a new protocal. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Henk Uijterwaal Email: henk.uijterwaal(at)ripe.net RIPE Network Coordination Centre http://www.amsterdamned.org/~henk P.O.Box 10096 Singel 258 Phone: +31.20.5354414 1001 EB Amsterdam 1016 AB Amsterdam Fax: +31.20.5354445 The Netherlands The Netherlands Mobile: +31.6.55861746 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ceterum censeo Asplain esse delendam (Cato & Henk) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Henk Uijterwaal Email: henk.uijterwaal(at)ripe.net RIPE Network Coordination Centre http://www.amsterdamned.org/~henk P.O.Box 10096 Singel 258 Phone: +31.20.5354414 1001 EB Amsterdam 1016 AB Amsterdam Fax: +31.20.5354445 The Netherlands The Netherlands Mobile: +31.6.55861746 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ceterum censeo Asplain esse delendam (Cato & Henk) _______________________________________________ ippm mailing list ippm@ietf.org https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ippm
- [ippm] Draft-ietf-ippm-delay-var-as-01 Henk Uijterwaal