[ippm] Progressing draft-ietf-ippm-ioam-conf-state

xiao.min2@zte.com.cn Fri, 10 December 2021 07:01 UTC

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The -02 version of draft-ietf-ippm-ioam-conf-state has been posted.
There are mainly two changes, one is on IOAM Tracing Capabilities Objects to make them applicable to ICMPv6 extensions, another one is on IOAM Proof-of-Transit Capabilities Object to make it aligned with the updated IOAM-Data document.
Also note that I've had an offline discussion with wg chairs and Frank Brockners, my conclusion is that Frank's concern raised at IETF 112 has been addressed. If that's not the case, please speak up.
With that said, I think this draft is ready for WGLC.

Best Regards,
Xiao Min