[Isis-wg] New Version Notification for draft-hu-isis-lsp-flooding-optimization-00.txt
hu.fangwei@zte.com.cn Mon, 16 March 2015 07:52 UTC
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Subject: [Isis-wg] New Version Notification for draft-hu-isis-lsp-flooding-optimization-00.txt
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Hi,all This proposal introduces a LSP flooding optimization mechanism. The ISIS LSP fragments are differentiated as SPF Calculation-based LSP and Non-SPF Calculation-based LSP in the document. The LSP fragment zero and some of the Non-zero fragments contain the mandatory information for SPF computation are named as SPF Calculation-based LSP, and the others LSP fragments are useless for ISIS SPF computation, and are named as Non-Calculation-based LSP. Non-calculation-based LSPs forward based on the distribution tree, which is built by the calculation-based LSP. This mechanism could reduce the Non-calculation-based LSPs flooding. Comments welcome ----- 转发人 HuFangWei175772/user/zte_ltd 时间 2015-03-16 15:39 ----- internet-drafts@ietf.org 收件人 "Qiang Wu" <wu.qiang4@zte.com.cn>, "Andrew Qu" <andrew.qu@mediatek.com>, "fangwei hu" <hu.fangwei@zte.com.cn>, Fangwei Hu <hu.fangwei@zte.com.cn>, Qiang Wu <wu.qiang4@zte.com.cn>, Andrew Qu <andrew.qu@mediatek.com> 抄送 主题 New Version Notification for draft-hu-isis-lsp-flooding-optimization-00.txt A new version of I-D, draft-hu-isis-lsp-flooding-optimization-00.txt has been successfully submitted by Fangwei Hu and posted to the IETF repository. Name: draft-hu-isis-lsp-flooding-optimization Revision: 00 Title: ISIS LSP Flooding Optimization Document date: 2014-12-18 Group: Individual Submission Pages: 5 URL: http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-hu-isis-lsp-flooding-optimization-00.txt Status: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-hu-isis-lsp-flooding-optimization/ Htmlized: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-hu-isis-lsp-flooding-optimization-00 Abstract: This proposal introduces a LSP flooding optimization mechanism for the Non-SPF Calculation-based LSP. The Non-SPF Calculation-based LSP is forwarded through the interfaces belonging to a distribution tree rather than all the adjacencies interfaces of the IS. There is no backward compatibility issue for this solution. Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission until the htmlized version and diff are available at tools.ietf.org. The IETF Secretariat