[jose] Encrypted JWK in JWK set

Richard Barnes <rlb@ipv.sx> Fri, 11 October 2013 15:30 UTC

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Hey all,

I was thinking today about how it would be nice to replace PKCS#12 with
something JWK-based.  For background, PKCS#12 is a format that can store a
certificate (unencrypted) alongside an encrypted private key.

It seems to me like the obvious thing would be to replace this with a JWK
Set containing two keys: (1) a public key with the certificate in the "x5t"
attribute, and (2) the corresponding private key as an Encrypted JWK.

However, it's not immediately clear to me that the JWK Set format in -17
allows this.  Proposed edit to clarify:

OLD: "The value of the "keys" member is an array of JWK values"
NEW: "The value of the "keys" member is an array of JWK and/or Encrypted
JWK values"

