[jose] FW: issue #25 TEXT
"Jim Schaad" <ietf@augustcellars.com> Mon, 07 October 2013 23:07 UTC
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From: Jim Schaad <ietf@augustcellars.com>
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From: Jim Schaad [mailto:ietf@augutscellars.com] Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2013 1:08 PM To: Mike Jones (Michael.Jones@microsoft.com) Cc: jose@ietf.org Subject: issue #25 TEXT The following provides suggested text for addressing Issue #25 Jim Text for the JWS document: Section 7.2.1 Detached Content Applications can do detached content with the JSON serialization. Detached content has the benefit of allowing the content to be transmitted in a more natural format, and to avoid the expansion associated with applying the base64 transformation. It has the downside that how the content is serialized into a text string is not preserved and therefore some type of canonicalization process may need to be applied by both the sender and the recipient. In some circumstances this is not an issue (signing a binary file), while in other circumstances it can be problematic (end of line characters or ordering of JSON objects). Applications cannot rely on this feature to be implemented by libraries but need to do it themselves. On serialization, the application removes the payload value from the JSON structure before writing it out. The contents of the signed field are then transmitted separately from the JWS structure. For instance, the JWS serialized JSON structure could be transmitted as an HTTP header field, while the content is transmitted as the content of the HTTP body. On deserialization, the application obtains the to be signed value from where it is transferred, applies the necessary canonicalization and encoding to it before creating the "payload" member of the JSON structure and passing the resulting object to the library for processing. Text for the JWE document: Section 7.2.1 Detached Content Applications can do detached content with the JSON serialization. Detached content has the benefit of allowing the content to be transmitted in a more natural format, and to avoid the expansion associated with applying the base64 transformation. Since the output of the encryption process is always an octet string, there are no canonicalization issues associated with transporting the encrypted string separately from the encryption header. On serialization, the application removes the "ciphertext" field from the JSON structure before writing it out. The contents of the "ciphertext" field then have the base64 encoding removed and it is transmitted separated from the JWE structure. For instance, the JWE serialized JSON structure could be transmitted as an HTTP header field, while the cipher text could be transmitted using binary transfer encoding as the HTTP body. On deserialization, the application obtains the cipher text from where it was transferred, applies the base64 transfer encoding and places it in the "ciphertext" member of the JWE JSON structure. The resulting object is then passed to the JOSE library for process.
- [jose] FW: issue #25 TEXT Jim Schaad
- Re: [jose] issue #25 TEXT Mike Jones
- Re: [jose] issue #25 TEXT Jim Schaad
- Re: [jose] issue #25 TEXT Mike Jones
- Re: [jose] issue #25 TEXT Richard Barnes