[Lucid] lucid agenda

Marc Blanchet <marc.blanchet@viagenie.ca> Wed, 25 February 2015 14:43 UTC

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 The preliminary agenda of IETF Dallas has been posted. The lucid bof is currently scheduled wed March 25th 13h00, Dallas local time. However, please note that the agenda is _not_ final and may well change. The final agenda is due friday March 27th. 
 Please note that Dave Thaler has agreed to be co-chair of the BOF

 The agenda of the LUCID bof is currently planned as follows:
 1) problem statement and scope
 2) possible ways to address the problem
 3) next steps for IETF

This is a call for agenda changes and speaking proposals. 

We will start another email thread on this mailing list for the first topic.

Marc&Dave, lucid bof co-chairs