[Mailsec] Retaining CLIENTID type and token after successful AUTH ?
Andrew C Aitchison <andrew@aitchison.me.uk> Thu, 30 March 2023 09:07 UTC
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Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2023 10:07:43 +0100
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Subject: [Mailsec] Retaining CLIENTID type and token after successful AUTH ?
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The last of the restrictions in section 4 is: Several SMTP service extensions such as [AUTH] require that an SMTP session be reset to an initial state under conditions such as after applying a security layer. An SMTP server MUST discard any CLIENTID information after such a reset. This text appears to be saying that once the AUTH has succeeded the session MUST not have or make use of the CLIENTID information. Does that mean that I cannot separately rate-limit messages or recipients between two sessions from the same user that have different CLIENTID values ? In fact it appears that the only signal I can use to block one clientid but not another is CLIENTID and AUTH attempts. When I notice that clientid_1 is sending bad or too much mail, the AUTH has already happened so the clientid is not available to put a block on just clientid_1, so when the same user with clientid_2 attempts to send an email, they will be blocked too ? Or am I misreading that restriction ? -- Andrew C. Aitchison Kendal, UK andrew@aitchison.me.uk
- [Mailsec] Retaining CLIENTID type and token after… Andrew C Aitchison
- Re: [Mailsec] Retaining CLIENTID type and token a… Michael Peddemors