[mif] Self introduction
Stjepan Groš <stjepan.gros@fer.hr> Wed, 09 September 2015 12:31 UTC
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Hi all! Starting from September this year, my colleagues Dejan Škvorc and Leonardo Jelenković and I work on the MIF implementation for the Linux operating system, more specifically for the Fedora distribution. All three of us are with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. Everything we do will be based on existing open source software but also in case we write something new, it will also be published as open source. The repository will be placed on Terastream GitHub account (https://github.com/terastream) Currently, nothing is there but expect some code and announcements soon. Also, as we go along we'll post questions/comments to this list. In general, we intend to implement few scenarios as a showcase for the MIF, among them the scenarios used in the architecture RFC. Some things we plan to do: * Modify DHCP server to be able to send PvD related information, as well as DHCP client to parse the given data. * Modify routing software (radvd) also to be able to send PvD related data, and the client side to be able to absorb this data. * An example application that will be used to demonstrate MIF * Define API that will allow PvD aware applications to take advantage of MIF * Some kind of a connection manager and associated UI (very likely NetworkManager) that will allow users to control MIF In short, we are looking forward to work on this particular problem. That's it for now, kind regards Stjepan Gros
- [mif] Self introduction Stjepan Groš