[MMUSIC] draft-ejzak-mmusic-data-channel-sdpneg - "label" optional in a=dcmap?

Juergen Stoetzer-Bradler <Juergen.Stoetzer-Bradler@alcatel-lucent.com> Tue, 25 November 2014 15:44 UTC

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Subject: [MMUSIC] draft-ejzak-mmusic-data-channel-sdpneg - "label" optional in a=dcmap?
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The ABNF rules in draft-ejzak-mmusic-data-channel-sdpneg-02's section allow the "label" 
parameter to _not_ being present in a=dcmap attribute lines.
However, the "label" related description in section says: "...Label is a mandatory 
parameter. ...".

Recent CLUE related discussions indicate that there may be use cases, where applications may not 
need to convey data channel label values in draft-ejzak-mmusic-data-channel-sdpneg based SDP offers 
or answers.

Therefore we would propose to actually make the "label" parameter optional in a=dcmap attribute 
lines and to replace section's sentence "Label is a mandatory parameter" with

     "Label is an optional parameter. If the label parameter is not present, then its value defaults 
to the empty string.

Note: The empty string may also be explicitly used as "label" value, such that label="" is 
equivalent to the "label" parameter not being present at all.
[I-D.ietf-rtcweb-data-protocol] allows the DATA_CHANNEL_OPEN message's "Label" value to be an empty 

Would this be agreeable?
