[MMUSIC] Some comments on draft-ivov-mmusic-multiple-sources
Bernard Aboba <bernard_aboba@hotmail.com> Fri, 19 July 2013 02:28 UTC
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Overall, I like this draft quite a bit. Some thoughts: Section 1 Yet, Offer/Answer implementations in SIP applications have most often used them as an envelope for a maximum of two RTP streams (SSRCs) at a time: one in each direction. The most common reason for this has been the fact these applications could not meaningfully render multiple SSRCs simultaneously. [BA] While the above is probably true of legacy O/A implementations, video implementations today frequently can and do render multiple SSRCs simultaneously. In particular, implementations supporting more than "point-to-point" calls, often go beyond "video switching" to rendering of multiple streams, all declared on the same m-line. In particular, where there are multiple layers as well as multiple sources going into a mixer, you may see multiple SSRCs coming out of the mixer. This could happen because a single SSRC is used for all the layers from a given source (but distinct SSRCs are used for different sources), or because you have each layer from a given source using a distinct SSRC. Section 2 In cases where endpoints need to be able to detect this from the SDP Offer/Answer they could use the "max-send-ssrc" and "max-recv-ssrc" attributes defined in [MAX-SSRC]. It has to be noted however that this mechanism is still a work in progress and as such it would still need to be extended to provide ways of distinguishing between independent flows and complementary ones such as layered FEC and RTX. [BA] Keep in mind that if you don't use a single SSRC per source, then the semantics of max-send-ssrc and max-recv-ssrc become ambiguous. So you need to be able to express the maximum send and receive sources as well as the maximum sent and received layers. Section 5 Another approach could be a combination of RTCP and RTP header extensions [RFC5285] in a way similar to the one employed by the Rapid Synchronisation of RTP Flows [RFC6051]. While such a mechanism is not currently defined by the IETF, specifying it could be relatively straightforward: [BA] Not sure about the "straightforward" part but there are advantages to using RTP and RTCP extensions. RTP extensions allow RTP parsing to be bypassed which is convenient if SRTP is used (since otherwise unless SSRCs are pre-declared you might have to decrypt and parse the RTP packet to figure out what layer it corresponds to). Today there are commonly used RTP configurations that can't easily be expressed in SDP (e.g. sending individual codec layers with distinct SSRCs, but within the same RTP session) but that an RTP extension could help with. The argument on the other side is that SDP O/A is reliable, whereas an RTP extension or RTCP SDES would not be. However, if the endgame is WebRTC without SDP, then I think we need to look for RTP/RTCP solutions for these issues, rather than requiring an SDP dependency.
- [MMUSIC] Some comments on draft-ivov-mmusic-multi… Bernard Aboba
- Re: [MMUSIC] Some comments on draft-ivov-mmusic-m… Emil Ivov