[MMUSIC] Some issues with draft-ietf-mmusic-sctp-sdp-02
Paul Kyzivat <pkyzivat@alum.mit.edu> Mon, 03 December 2012 20:29 UTC
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Subject: [MMUSIC] Some issues with draft-ietf-mmusic-sctp-sdp-02
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While commenting on some related discussions I had occasion to look at this draft again and I found a few issues: First, some very specific ones:: Section 4.1 says: If the <port> sub-field is 'SCTP' or ... This is a typo. s/port/proto/ But the major issue is that this draft doesn't explain the semantics of the <port> field. The only things I can find that touch on this are: - section 10.1 refers to "SCTP port 54111" and then shows an m-line with: m=application 54111 SCTP 0 1 2 But this is just an example, not normative text. - section 4.1 says: [OPEN ISSUE 3] do we need also an attribute to specify the SCTP port number for the SCTP over DTLS scenario? that can be useful in the case where multiple association are running on top of the same DTLS session. This implies that the SCTP port number is *not* what is in the port field in this case. Presumably because the UDP port number is in that field. ISTM that there needs to be a clear discussion of all the required port numbers for each case, and how they are specified. When there is more than one (namely in the SCTP/DTLS and DTLS/SCTP cases), *one* of them can be in the m-line and the other one must be somewhere else. And if the one that is not in the m-line is optional, then I guess there must be a default. Thanks, Paul
- [MMUSIC] Some issues with draft-ietf-mmusic-sctp-… Paul Kyzivat
- Re: [MMUSIC] Some issues with draft-ietf-mmusic-s… Paul Kyzivat