[MMUSIC] Summary of demultiplexing techniques
worley@ariadne.com (Dale R. Worley) Mon, 25 February 2013 22:45 UTC
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I've submitted draft-worley-sdp-bundle-04. That doesn't address any critiques either, but it has a section that summarizes demultiplexing techniques. Essentially, RFC5764 section 5.1.2, at greater length and including SCTP. That discussion is at: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-worley-sdp-bundle-04#section-8 Though it may all be old hat to y'all, I had to work through it to get up to speed, so I figured I'd document it in the process. Dale
- [MMUSIC] Summary of demultiplexing techniques Dale R. Worley