[MMUSIC] 3D drafts and their relevancy
Bert Greevenbosch <Bert.Greevenbosch@huawei.com> Fri, 12 October 2012 06:20 UTC
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From: Bert Greevenbosch <Bert.Greevenbosch@huawei.com>
To: "mmusic@ietf.org" <mmusic@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: 3D drafts and their relevancy
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Hello all, During the Vancouver meeting, the 3D drafts were briefly discussed: http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-greevenbosch-mmusic-sdp-parallax/ http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-greevenbosch-mmusic-sdp-3d-format/ (I can't find them on the MMUSIC page anymore. Can the link be re-inserted, as they have not been expired yet?) During the discussion, there were some concerns about the relevancy of the drafts, especially with the existence of MVC. The frame packing formats have been adopted in HDMI 1.4a and DVB 3DTV standards, both of which are quite recent. Also depth maps are gaining more interest in the research community, as they provide a nice and concise way to supply additional 3D information along with a 2D video stream. Moreover, the drafts are not intended as an alternative to MVC. It is just about providing signalling for codecs that are already in existence today. I feel it would be a pity to stop working on 3D in SDP/SIP now. I believe having SDP signalling would be quite helpful not just for one-directional use cases, but especially also for 3D conversational use cases. The arrival of the first 3D-glasses-free handhelds shows that comfortable 3D conversation can be achieved in the near future. I would like to ask the group whether it believes it is beneficial to continue specification of 3D in SDP/SIP? Thanks in advance for your opinions! Best regards, Bert
- [MMUSIC] 3D drafts and their relevancy Bert Greevenbosch
- Re: [MMUSIC] 3D drafts and their relevancy Pedro Capelastegui
- Re: [MMUSIC] 3D drafts and their relevancy Miguel A. Garcia
- Re: [MMUSIC] 3D drafts and their relevancy Miguel A. Garcia
- Re: [MMUSIC] 3D drafts and their relevancy Bert Greevenbosch