[MMUSIC] Where to apply encryption?

worley@ariadne.com (Dale R. Worley) Wed, 27 February 2013 21:58 UTC

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Current bundling proposals seem to expect that the packets on the wire
will be either SRTP/SRTCP or SCTP-within-DTLS.  Of course, this
provides encryption of the carried media.

But it seems to me that it would be more straightforward to multiplex
RTP/RTCP and SCTP packets, and than as a lower layer, have one DTLS
association that encrypts all of those packets indifferently.  It
would also provide privacy regarding the number and types of the
bundled media streams.

But my knowledge of crypto is thin, and maybe there's a reason that
using one DTLS association to encrypt the multiplexed packet stream
wouldn't work as well.
