[mpls] Thoughts on draft-saad-mpls-lsp-instant-install-rsvpte
"Adrian Farrel" <adrian@olddog.co.uk> Sun, 08 November 2015 10:03 UTC
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From: Adrian Farrel <adrian@olddog.co.uk>
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Subject: [mpls] Thoughts on draft-saad-mpls-lsp-instant-install-rsvpte
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Hi authors, You say: In practice, however, the RSVP Resv message for the new LSP can reach the ingress before one (or more) LSR(s) have completed programming their forwarding for the new LSP. I suppose we are falling into the variation cases of 3209's "SHOULD". The node SHOULD be prepared to forward packets carrying the assigned label prior to sending the Resv message. Indeed, pipelining seems to be quite as common in packet networks as it is in optical networks. You might find RFC 6383 useful reading. Adrian
- [mpls] Thoughts on draft-saad-mpls-lsp-instant-in… Adrian Farrel