[mpls] IPR discussions in calls for adoption and WGLCs
Loa Andersson <loa@pi.nu> Tue, 20 October 2015 15:16 UTC
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Working Group, For future MPLS WG IPR polls, when we have and IPR disclosure, we will add the following text: "The document shepherd and working group chairs are frequently asked about the working group discussions related to any IPR disclosures. We like to remind the working group that discussion on the content and validity of an IPR disclosure should not take place on the MPLS wg list or any IETF mailing lists. However we are looking for simple statements whether you think the working group should continue progress the document, regardless of an existing IPR disclosure. Please include this information in your 'support/do not support' when responding to working group adoption calls and last calls." Loa for the MPLS wg co-chairs -- Loa Andersson email: loa@mail01.huawei.com Senior MPLS Expert loa@pi.nu Huawei Technologies (consultant) phone: +46 739 81 21 64
- [mpls] IPR discussions in calls for adoption and … Loa Andersson