[mpls] R: working group last call on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-temporal-hitless-psm-07.txt
Di Giglio Andrea <andrea.digiglio@telecomitalia.it> Fri, 23 October 2015 10:02 UTC
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From: Di Giglio Andrea <andrea.digiglio@telecomitalia.it>
To: Gregory Mirsky <gregory.mirsky@ericsson.com>, Ross Callon <rcallon@juniper.net>, "mpls@ietf.org" <mpls@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: working group last call on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-temporal-hitless-psm-07.txt
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Subject: [mpls] R: working group last call on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-temporal-hitless-psm-07.txt
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I also Support this draft. Best Regards, Andrea From: mpls [mailto:mpls-bounces@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Ross Callon Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2015 8:33 AM To: mpls@ietf.org<mailto:mpls@ietf.org> Cc: mpls-chairs@ietf.org<mailto:mpls-chairs@ietf.org>; Loa Andersson; koike.yoshinori@lab.ntt.co.jp<mailto:koike.yoshinori@lab.ntt.co.jp>; Manuel.Paul@telekom.de<mailto:Manuel.Paul@telekom.de>; satoshi.ueno@ntt.com<mailto:satoshi.ueno@ntt.com>; arai.kaoru@lab.ntt.co.jp<mailto:arai.kaoru@lab.ntt.co.jp> Subject: [mpls] working group last call on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-temporal-hitless-psm-07.txt Working Group, This is to initiate a working group last call on draft-ietf-mpls-tp-temporal-hitless-psm-07.txt. Please send your comments to the mpls wg mailing list (mpls@ietf.org<mailto:mpls@ietf.org>). There are no IPR disclosures against this document. All the authors have stated that they are not aware of any IPR that relates to this draft. Since the last call will overlap with the IETF meeting, this working group last call will be extended to three weeks and will end Friday November 13, 2015. This document went through WGLC a couple of years ago, but due to a series of events (including an illness, and addition of two additional co-authors) was not progressed for publication at the time. As with any WGLC, working group participants are requested to read the document and comment, and if you feel that the document is ready for publication it is appropriate to respond to any WGLC with a short and simple email indicating support. Ross for the MPLS WG chairs Questo messaggio e i suoi allegati sono indirizzati esclusivamente alle persone indicate. La diffusione, copia o qualsiasi altra azione derivante dalla conoscenza di queste informazioni sono rigorosamente vietate. Qualora abbiate ricevuto questo documento per errore siete cortesemente pregati di darne immediata comunicazione al mittente e di provvedere alla sua distruzione, Grazie. This e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may contain privileged information intended for the addressee(s) only. Dissemination, copying, printing or use by anybody else is unauthorised. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete this message and any attachments and advise the sender by return e-mail, Thanks. [rispetta l'ambiente]Rispetta l'ambiente. Non stampare questa mail se non è necessario.
- [mpls] working group last call on draft-ietf-mpls… Ross Callon
- [mpls] 回复: working group last call on draft-ietf-… weiqiang cheng
- Re: [mpls] working group last call on draft-ietf-… Gregory Mirsky
- [mpls] R: working group last call on draft-ietf-m… Milan Fabrizio
- [mpls] R: working group last call on draft-ietf-m… Fioccola Giuseppe
- Re: [mpls] working group last call on draft-ietf-… Cavazzoni Carlo
- [mpls] R: working group last call on draft-ietf-m… Di Giglio Andrea
- Re: [mpls] working group last call on draft-ietf-… Huub van Helvoort
- Re: [mpls] working group last call on draft-ietf-… Alexander Vainshtein
- Re: [mpls] working group last call on draft-ietf-… Mach Chen
- Re: [mpls] working group last call on draft-ietf-… Dongjie (Jimmy)
- Re: [mpls] working group last call on draft-ietf-… Ross Callon
- [mpls] 회신: working group last call on draft-ietf-… 류정동
- Re: [mpls] working group last call on draft-ietf-… Ross Callon