[mpls] MPLS+SDN+NFV World 2016: One month left
"Michel Gosse" <michelg@upperside.fr> Tue, 09 February 2016 13:20 UTC
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After the marketing rush, what is left of SDN/NFV? Learn from an impressive set of Service Providers: MPLS & SDN Track: Segment Routing Progress, SDN for Core Networks, Analytics & Multicast NFV & Open Source track: Service Insurance, Open Ecosystem, Use Cases Software Defined WAN: Next Generation CPE, Security Full agenda and more information: http://www.uppersideconferences.com/mpls-sdn-nfv/ MPLS+SDN+NFV World. Marriott Conference Center. Paris. 08/11 March 2016
- [mpls] MPLS+SDN+NFV World 2016: One month left Michel Gosse