[mpls] Closed: working group last call on draft-ietf-mpls-rsvp-shared-labels

Loa Andersson <loa@pi.nu> Sat, 29 September 2018 02:04 UTC

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Working Group(s),

This wglc has been closed! There have been comments and I think good
progress in resolving them.

Can the authors please detail how/if they want to change the document
and post the new version as necessary.


On 2018-09-11 15:56, Loa Andersson wrote:
> Working Group,
> This is to initiate a two week working group last call on draft-
> ietf-mpls-rsvp-shared-labels.
> Please send your comments to the mpls wg mailing list (mpls@ietf.org)
> There are five IPR disclosures against draft-ietf-mpls-rsvp-shared-
> labels, however some of them are updates.
> All the authors and contributors have stated on the working group
> mailing list that they are not aware of any other IPRs that relates
> to this document.
> The draft is very specific to MPLS, but since it uses and makes
> additions to RSVP-TE we are copying the wglc to the TEAS working group.
> This working group last call ends September 26, 2018.
> /Loa
> MPLS wg co-chair


Loa Andersson                        email: loa@pi.nu
Senior MPLS Expert
Bronze Dragon Consulting             phone: +46 739 81 21 64