Re: [mpls] I-D Action:draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-lsp-ping-12.txt
Shivakumar Channalli <> Thu, 21 October 2010 06:14 UTC
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Thread-Topic: [mpls] I-D Action:draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-lsp-ping-12.txt
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From: Shivakumar Channalli <>
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Subject: Re: [mpls] I-D Action:draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-lsp-ping-12.txt
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Shaleen, For tail nodes we don't get 2 copies of the same packet unlike bud nodes. Its just a particular case of bud nodes that we have to solve here. $hiv... |-----Original Message----- |From: Shaleen Saxena (ssaxena) [] |Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 9:59 PM |To: Shivakumar Channalli |Cc:; Nitin Bahadur; Shaleen Saxena (ssaxena) |Subject: RE: [mpls] I-D Action:draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-lsp-ping-12.txt | |Hi, | |I understand your PHP usage better now. However changing the behavior of |T bit will not prevent multiple responses from tail nodes. If you plan |to use Responder Identifier TLV to limit that, then it will work for bud |nodes as well (unless bud node itself is the target). So changing the |behavior of the T bit for PHP is only a partial solution to the problem. | |Shaleen | | |-----Original Message----- |From: Shivakumar Channalli [] |Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 8:41 AM |To: Shaleen Saxena (ssaxena) |Cc:; Nitin Bahadur |Subject: RE: [mpls] I-D Action:draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-lsp-ping-12.txt | |Shaleen, | ||| H - M1 - B - M2 - T ||| |||Here: ||| H: Head ||| M1, M2: Two mid-point nodes ||| B: Bud ||| T: Tail | ||As per your suggestion, when T flag is used in a PHP scenario: ||- Bud nodes will never respond, even if it is their turn to do so, | |Let me explain it again. If a packet is sent with TTL 2 |Bud node B receives 2 packets: |1) Labeled packet, due to TTL expiry (for which it would normally |perform a swap and send it to M2) |2) unlabelled packet, which arrives due to PHP done at M1 | |The suggestion is to drop the unlabelled packet(2) at bud, if "TTL |expiry flag" is set, because it landed in B due to PHP done at M1, not |due to label TTL expiry. | | ||- Tail nodes will keep responding to all echo requests where TTL is ||greater than their depth. || ||I am not sure how this behavior can be helpful to traceroute. | |Tail nodes will always get a single copy of the packet unlike bud nodes. | |More ever, if the responder-id tlv is present a node would never respond |back, unless the criterions for responder-id tlv are met correctly. | | ||The original problem is that bud and tail nodes keep responding to ||traceroute requests, for TTL greater than their depth. The extra ||responses can be prevented if the nodes check for label expiry. However ||without the label, traceroute packets for various TTL values look the ||same. If you have a suggestion on how to solve this problem in a PHP ||scenario, I will be willing to put it in the draft. | | |This problem can be solved by dropping +unlabelled packets+ at +bud |node+, if TTL expiry flag is set in the request. | | | | |$hiv... | | | ||-----Original Message----- ||From: Shaleen Saxena (ssaxena) [] ||Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 5:08 PM ||To: Shivakumar Channalli ||Cc:; Nitin Bahadur; Shaleen Saxena (ssaxena) ||Subject: RE: [mpls] I-D Action:draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-lsp-ping-12.txt || ||Hi Shivakumar: || ||I did not put the suggested text after discussions with other authors. ||The behavior you suggest does not solve the problem of receiving ||multiple responses from various bud and tail nodes during traceroute. || ||As per your suggestion, when T flag is used in a PHP scenario: ||- Bud nodes will never respond, even if it is their turn to do so, ||- Tail nodes will keep responding to all echo requests where TTL is ||greater than their depth. || ||I am not sure how this behavior can be helpful to traceroute. || ||The original problem is that bud and tail nodes keep responding to ||traceroute requests, for TTL greater than their depth. The extra ||responses can be prevented if the nodes check for label expiry. However ||without the label, traceroute packets for various TTL values look the ||same. If you have a suggestion on how to solve this problem in a PHP ||scenario, I will be willing to put it in the draft. || ||Regards, ||Shaleen || ||-----Original Message----- ||From: Shivakumar Channalli [] ||Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 2:00 AM ||To: Shaleen Saxena (ssaxena) ||Cc:; Nitin Bahadur ||Subject: [mpls] I-D Action:draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-lsp-ping-12.txt || ||Shaleen, ||Please find the mail thread, where in we had a discussed about PHP ||scenario. || || || ||$hiv... || || || ||-----Original Message----- ||From: Shivakumar Channalli ||Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 6:17 PM ||To: 'Shaleen Saxena (ssaxena)'; Santiago Alvarez (saalvare); Nitin ||Bahadur ||Cc: ||Subject: RE: [mpls] Last Calls on P2MP LSP Ping and Enhanced DS Map || |||I will updated the P2MP OAM draft to reflect the PHP scenario. ||| |||So does PHP always happen before bud node? Consider the following |||topology: ||| ||| H - M1 - B - M2 - T ||| |||Here: ||| H: Head ||| M1, M2: Two mid-point nodes ||| B: Bud ||| T: Tail || ||PHP will happen before tail (T i.e pure egress) also. ||In the example T is pure egress, so packet should be processed by T, |but ||in case of B (bud node) it should be dropped. || ||That's why it should be clearly specified as || ||"In p2mp LSP case, if a node (other than ++pure egress++) receives a ||+MPLS ||LSP trace packet+, without any label, then it should drop the packet ||without processing" || ||In other words, "if a bud node receives a unlabelled packets , then it ||should be dropped" || || ||| |||So will both M1 and M2 send out unlabelled packets? Will the TTL of |the |||packet cause any different behavior from M1 and M2? || ||I guess, there should not be any problems as such. || || || |||Also, your suggestion applies to only packets with T bit turned on, |||correct? If it is for all ping/trace packets, then I foresee some |||issues, where certain nodes will never respond. || ||That's correct. The packets should be dropped only if T bit is set. ||Other wise in ping mode of operation, we may not get reply at all if we ||apply this rule to all packets. || || || ||...$hiv || || || |||-----Original Message----- |||From: Shaleen Saxena (ssaxena) [] |||Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 5:51 PM |||To: Shivakumar Channalli; Santiago Alvarez (saalvare); Nitin Bahadur |||Cc:; Shaleen Saxena (ssaxena) |||Subject: RE: [mpls] Last Calls on P2MP LSP Ping and Enhanced DS Map ||| |||Hi Shiv, Nitin, ||| |||I will updated the P2MP OAM draft to reflect the PHP scenario. ||| |||So does PHP always happen before bud node? Consider the following |||topology: ||| ||| H - M1 - B - M2 - T ||| |||Here: ||| H: Head ||| M1, M2: Two mid-point nodes ||| B: Bud ||| T: Tail ||| |||So will both M1 and M2 send out unlabelled packets? Will the TTL of |the |||packet cause any different behavior from M1 and M2? ||| |||Also, your suggestion applies to only packets with T bit turned on, |||correct? If it is for all ping/trace packets, then I foresee some |||issues, where certain nodes will never respond. ||| |||Thanks, |||Shaleen ||| ||| |||> -----Original Message----- |||> From: Shivakumar Channalli [] |||> Sent: Saturday, May 29, 2010 11:13 AM |||> To: Santiago Alvarez (saalvare); Nitin Bahadur; Shaleen Saxena |||> (ssaxena) |||> Cc: |||> Subject: RE: [mpls] Last Calls on P2MP LSP Ping and Enhanced DS Map |||> |||> |||> |> 1. precluding bud node support |||> Another way is to try to solve bud node issue in case of PHP |||> |||> |> 2. bud node receiving duplicate traffic (label and unlabeled) |||> |> Cheers. |||> Receiving unlabelled packet in case of PHP can be solved by |following |||a |||> simple rule. |||> |||> "In p2mp LSP case, if a node (other than pure egress) receives a ||+MPLS |||> LSP trace packet+, without any label, then we should drop the packet |||> without processing" |||> |||> Reason: In trace route mode we want packets to reach control plane ||due |||> to TTL expiry, but in PHP p2mp mode packets are also received by bud |||> nodes due the PHP. As a result we can make an assumption that, the |||> packet received by control plane is not due to TTL expiry, and drop |||the |||> packets. |||> |||> |||> ...$hiv |||> |||> |||> |||> |-----Original Message----- |||> |From: Santiago Alvarez (saalvare) [] |||> |Sent: Saturday, May 29, 2010 6:03 AM |||> |To: Nitin Bahadur; Shaleen Saxena (ssaxena); Shivakumar Channalli |||> |Cc:; Santiago Alvarez (saalvare) |||> |Subject: RE: [mpls] Last Calls on P2MP LSP Ping and Enhanced DS Map |||> | |||> |It seems to me that, in order to find PHP acceptable for P2MP LSPs, |||> one |||> |the these two need to be acceptable: |||> |1. precluding bud node support |||> |2. bud node receiving duplicate traffic (label and unlabeled) |||> |Cheers. |||> | |||> |SA |||> |-- |||> |> -----Original Message----- |||> |> From: [] On |||Behalf |||> |Of |||> |> Nitin Bahadur |||> |> Sent: Friday, May 28, 2010 4:52 PM |||> |> To: Shaleen Saxena (ssaxena); Shivakumar Channalli |||> |> Cc: |||> |> Subject: Re: [mpls] Last Calls on P2MP LSP Ping and Enhanced DS ||Map |||> |> |||> |> |||> |> Shaleen, |||> |> |||> |> > I was referring to |||> |> > |||> |> > mapping-04 |||> |> |||> |> This draft does not say that PHP *must not* be used ever for RSVP |||> |P2MP. |||> |> This draft specifies a requirement for non-PHP behavior and |solves |||> |that |||> |> problem. |||> |> |||> |> > . Do you have an application where you use PHP? Is P2MP TE |||> |> > with PHP going to be deployed in service provider networks? |||> |> |||> |> Yes...we have customers (in deployment) using P2MP with PHP. |||> |> |||> |> nitin |||> |> _______________________________________________ |||> |> mpls mailing list |||> |> |||> |>
- [mpls] I-D Action:draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-lsp-ping-1… Shivakumar Channalli
- [mpls] I-D Action:draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-lsp-ping-1… Internet-Drafts
- Re: [mpls] I-D Action:draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-lsp-pi… Shivakumar Channalli
- Re: [mpls] I-D Action:draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-lsp-pi… Shaleen Saxena (ssaxena)
- Re: [mpls] I-D Action:draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-lsp-pi… Shivakumar Channalli
- Re: [mpls] I-D Action:draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-lsp-pi… Shaleen Saxena (ssaxena)
- Re: [mpls] I-D Action:draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-lsp-pi… Shivakumar Channalli
- Re: [mpls] I-D Action:draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-lsp-pi… Shaleen Saxena (ssaxena)
- Re: [mpls] I-D Action:draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-lsp-pi… Shivakumar Channalli
- Re: [mpls] I-D Action:draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-lsp-pi… Shaleen Saxena (ssaxena)
- Re: [mpls] I-D Action:draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-lsp-pi… Nitin Bahadur
- Re: [mpls] I-D Action:draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-lsp-pi… Shaleen Saxena (ssaxena)
- Re: [mpls] I-D Action:draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-lsp-pi… Shivakumar Channalli