[nfsv4] Discussion topics for the coming Bake-A-Thon

"Sorin Faibish" <sfaibish@emc.com> Sat, 18 September 2010 00:29 UTC

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I am trying to build an agenda for discussions during the coming  
at EMC October 4-8. I collected the last week several topics of interest  
I want to ask you all to add any other topics of interest so I can close  
agenda of the event. This is the list so far:

1. Layoutcommit for file layout (Dave Noveck)
2. Server side copy - (James)
3. Sparse files and storage preferences (Dean, Sorin)
4. Secure NFS (David Quigly)
5. Extend cthon tests with callback operations tests (Peter Honeyman)
6. Performance tests - tools and benchmarks (Peter Honeyman)
7. Utils and fedora rpm (Sorin, SteveD)
8. pNFS with IPv6 (Sorin)
9. Linux FedFS imlementation (Chuck)

I will allocate 30min for each topic and group them in 2 hours sessions
mostly in the early PM after lunch.

Please feel free to add any additional topics and thank you for your  


Best Regards
Sorin Faibish
Corporate Distinguished Engineer
Unified Storage Division

where information lives

Phone: 508-435-1000 x 48545
Cellphone: 617-510-0422
Email : sfaibish@emc.com