Re: [OAUTH-WG] New podcast on identity specifications

Denis <> Wed, 23 September 2020 09:38 UTC

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To: Brian Campbell <>, Vittorio Bertocci <>
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Cc: Vladimir Dzhuvinov <>,
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Hello Brian and Vittorio,

I have two observations:

  * draft-fett-oauth-dpop-04 which is the last version expired on 5
    September 2020,
  * the podcast as well as draft-fett-oauth-dpop-04 omit to mention the
    client/user collaborative attack against which
    draft-fett-oauth-dpop-04 is ineffective.


PS. The podcast is a nice effort but is far too long (29:37).
> The mTLS vs DPoP was good in articulating how the two specs are alike, 
> how they differ and which particular type of app they are meant to serve.
> I'm saying this as a person who is generally allergic to technical 
> podcasts :)
> Maybe every RFC that comes out of this WG should have a podcast link 
> at the top, where the authors discuss it in simple, honest and 
> non-speccy terms, because that's often how people are best able to 
> perceive the spirit and subtleties of some technical or spec work.
> Vladimir
> On 21/09/2020 09:40, Vittorio Bertocci wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> This is an informal mail to inform you that there’s a new podcast 
>> <>, 
>> <>, dedicated to inform and explain new 
>> identity specs developments for developers.
>> You can find a more detailed explanation of the podcast’s goals in 
>> but the TL;DR is that the spec themselves aren’t all that easy to 
>> read for the non-initiated, and a lot of useful info emerges during 
>> the discussions leading to the spec but rarely surface in a usable 
>> form to the people who don’t participate in discussions.
>> The first episode 
>> <>, 
>> featuring Brian Campbell discussing MTLS & DPoP, should give you an 
>> idea of what season 1 of the show will look like.
>> The full list of the first run is available here 
>> <>. 
>> Of 6 episodes, 3 of them are about specifications coming out of this 
>> WG- and all guests are actively involved in the IETF.
>> My main goals sharing this info here are
>>   * *Letting you know that the podcast exists*, so that you can make
>>     use of it if you so choose (e.g. referring people to it if they
>>     need to better understand something covered in an episode)
>>   * *Soliciting proposals for new episodes*: topics you believe are
>>     currently underserved, topics you are often asked about, topics
>>     you would like to be interviewed about on the show
>>   * *Growing the show’s subscriber base*. I was able to get backing
>>     from my company to produce a podcast that has exactly ZERO
>>     product pitches and is purely about identity specs promotion, on
>>     the gamble that the topic does have an audience finding it
>>     useful. So far the reception has been great, and we need to keep
>>     it up if we want to have a season 2.
>> I hope you’ll find the initiative useful!
>> Cheers,
>> V.