[OAUTH-WG] Design Team
Hannes Tschofenig <hannes.tschofenig@gmx.net> Mon, 28 January 2013 13:17 UTC
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Hi all, at the last IETF meeting we decided to schedule conference calls to accelerate the work on the security requirements and use cases. We also planned to create a design team after the completion of these conference calls. Now, it is time to start this design team work and we suggest the following approach. We want transparency and for this reason we create an open design team. This means that conference call information will be shared with the rest of the group and for discussions the working group mailing list will be used. We hope that those who participated in the earlier conference calls are also willing to contribute to this design team effort. The goal of the design team is to take the feedback from the security requirements and use case discussion as input and to prepare solution drafts. These solutions will then be used as input to the group for discussion at the next IETF meeting. Note that the output of a design team is always subject to approval, rejection or modification by the WG as a whole. Since the next IETF meeting is approaching soon already we will distribute invitations for two design team conference calls: * Feb. 4th - 1pm EST * Feb. 11th - 1pm EST Any feedback? Ciao Hannes & Derek
- [OAUTH-WG] Design Team Hannes Tschofenig