[OAUTH-WG] Status Conference Calls
Hannes Tschofenig <hannes.tschofenig@gmx.net> Sun, 24 June 2012 20:07 UTC
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Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2012 23:07:44 +0300
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Hi all, Derek and myself are interested to hear regular status reports from document editors. As you can imagine we reach out to different folks regarding various open issues in an attempt to make faster progress. In the past these communication interactions were, however, rather adhoc. We thought it makes sense to get a bit more organized. For this reason we wanted to schedule weekly conference calls with the draft editors of selected working group documents. Tomorrow, we plan to have a call to talk about the following documents (since they are our top priority at the moment): * draft-ietf-oauth-v2 * draft-ietf-oauth-v2-bearer * draft-ietf-oauth-v2-threatmodel * draft-ietf-oauth-urn-sub-ns * draft-ietf-oauth-assertions The main purpose of these calls is learn more about the ongoing editing effort it (and to motivate a little bit). No decisions on the content of the open issues are made at these calls. We thought some of you may be interested to participate in these calls (and sorry for the short notice regarding the call tomorrow.) In any case, here is the conference bridge info/Webex. Note that the Webex does not come with VoIP enabled; you have to dial into the bridge to hear us talking. Webex is only used for screensharing. ----- Date: 25th June 2012 Time: 1pm EDT (for 1 hour) Meeting Number: 703 116 943 Meeting Password: oauth ------------------------------------------------------- To start the online meeting ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Go to https://nsn.webex.com/nsn/j.php?ED=215109757&UID=483363472&PW=NOTcwOGNhNTM1&RT=MiMzMA%3D%3D 2. Log in to your account. 3. Click "Start Now". 4. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen. ------------------------------------------------------- Teleconference information ------------------------------------------------------- ID=54462, PIN=7589 Bridge Info - choose from: +1 202 552 4781 (Washington DC) +1 650 963 5005 (Mountain View) +1 718 521 5027 (New York) +49 89 5159 43800 (Germany) ----- Ciao Hannes & Derek
- [OAUTH-WG] Status Conference Calls Hannes Tschofenig