[OAUTH-WG] Indirect Access Grant Flow vs. User Agent Profile
Phil Hunt <phil.hunt@oracle.com> Wed, 06 October 2010 21:34 UTC
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I'm just re-reading section one, and the overview in section 1.3 seems to have some inconsistencies/duplication with section 1.4 (profiles). Specifically, on page 9 in draft 10, figure 3 shows an apparent profile. I assume this is just talking about a variation of the abstract profile. The paragraph before suggests this is the same "profile" as in section 1.4.2. Yet there are inconsistencies. It is not clear to me what the text on page 9 is attempting to say that is different from section 1.4.2. Or for that matter why figures 2 and 3 exist if there is another section on profiles. Would it be better to cut out everything beyond the basic abstract profile description and leave out figures 2 and 3 in section 1.3. Or do figures 2 and 3 need more text make clear distinct separate "flows" that are used by profiles in section 1.4? Phil phil.hunt@oracle.com