[OAUTH-WG] oauth-meta: turi allows user to mislead app
"Manger, James" <James.H.Manger@team.telstra.com> Thu, 28 January 2016 02:38 UTC
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From: "Manger, James" <James.H.Manger@team.telstra.com>
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Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2016 13:37:54 +1100
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The OAuth-Meta draft <draft-sakimura-oauth-meta-05> returns the token endpoint (in a "turi" query parameter) when redirecting a user from the authorization endpoint back to an app. The app presumably then POSTs the "code" (also in the redirect) to "turi" to get an access token. However, apps typically send their client_secret to the token endpoint to authenticate. Sending a client_secret to a URI that came from a user is insecure. A RESTful OAuth would be a great improvement, but it doesn't look like providing the token endpoint (nor discovery endpoint) in a redirect is the right approach. -- James Manger
- [OAUTH-WG] oauth-meta: turi allows user to mislea… Manger, James
- Re: [OAUTH-WG] oauth-meta: turi allows user to mi… Nat Sakimura
- Re: [OAUTH-WG] oauth-meta: turi allows user to mi… Manger, James
- Re: [OAUTH-WG] oauth-meta: turi allows user to mi… John Bradley