[OAUTH-WG] Draft -20
Eran Hammer-Lahav <eran@hueniverse.com> Mon, 25 July 2011 17:10 UTC
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From: Eran Hammer-Lahav <eran@hueniverse.com>
To: 'OAuth WG' <oauth@ietf.org>
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 10:08:32 -0700
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Draft -20 closes all open issues. Any additional feedback will be part of the WGLC process. Thanks, EHL From: Eran Hammer-Lahav Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 9:10 AM To: 'OAuth WG' Subject: RE: Draft -19 BTW, I'm planning on following -19 with -20 later today with text closing all the remaining issues. EHL From: Eran Hammer-Lahav Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 1:07 AM To: OAuth WG Subject: Draft -19 Draft 19 includes all the feedback received for -18: * Closes issues 15-19 * Moved client profiles to section 2.1 from 10 * New text for 'Code Injection and Input Validation' * A few minor editorial clarifications There are two open issues (20, 21) which are minor editorial requests, and the request being discussed on the list to change the public/private client type terminology to something else. I consider draft -19 to be ready for WGLC immediately. Thanks, EHL
- [OAUTH-WG] Draft -20 Eran Hammer-Lahav
- Re: [OAUTH-WG] Draft -20 Barry Leiba