[ogpx] Meadhbh Hamrick is no longer at Linden Research

Meadhbh Hamrick <ohmeadhbh@gmail.com> Fri, 19 March 2010 16:44 UTC

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Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 09:44:35 -0700
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Subject: [ogpx] Meadhbh Hamrick is no longer at Linden Research
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Hey Everybody,

As many of you know, over the past year I've been working for Linden
Research on virtual worlds interoperability. Specifically, I've been
working with the IETF to establish working groups to develop open
virtual world interoperability. I've also been writing internet drafts
and supporting third party developers who are implementing the VWRAP

But recently, I left the lab. The decision was amicable and mutual. It
does not mean the lab has abandoned it's work on interoperability;
only that it will be done by a different team. I am continuing to
participate in the Virtual World Region Agent Protocol working group
at the IETF and will likely author or contribute to further internet

I'm happy to talk to anyone regarding generic virtual world
architecture issues, but clearly specific questions regarding second
life and linden's future plans for VWRAP should be directed to the

-Meadhbh Hamrick (formerly Infinity Linden)
meadhbh hamrick * it's pronounced "maeve"
@OhMeadhbh * http://meadhbh.org/ * OhMeadhbh@gmail.com