Re: [ogpx] Decoupling simulation services from land for VWRAP scalability
Carlo Wood <> Mon, 22 March 2010 14:57 UTC
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Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 15:57:50 +0100
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To: Morgaine <>
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Subject: Re: [ogpx] Decoupling simulation services from land for VWRAP scalability
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It is possible to move "policy" (like 'have to follow the rules of physics') to the viewers, and enforce it based on statistics: Assume that most viewers are the official implementation and react predictably, and simply let the viewers 'vote' to establish who is breaking that policy. For example, 6 avatars are in a room. 5 run approved viewers, one is using a rogue viewer. The one with the rogue viewer walks through a wall. The other 5 detect this and (automatically) inform the server that this viewer broke the accepted policy. The server bans the rogue viewer. That leading by itself to keeping the number of rogue viewers small and hence the system working. On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 06:33:41PM +0000, Morgaine wrote: > MXP has "perfect scalability" proportional to the number of actors in a region, > because it has no centralized simulation. Instead it employs the notion of > "participants" that each do their own simulation locally, plus central "hubs" > which reflect or replicate the contribution of each participant to all other > participants in the shared space. > > It should be noted that while MXP's hubs are > conceptually a shared resource, they are stateless and hence present no > practical barrier to achieving high scalability in the simulation. (Limits to > actual scaling imposed by network bandwidth continue to apply of course.) > > Although MXP's local participant simulation is hugely scalable in this way, it > clearly lacks an essential ingredient that we have come to expect of VWs, > namely environmental simulation / physics in the shared space. -- Carlo Wood <>