[openpgp] Using Git for RFC 4880bis
Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg@fifthhorseman.net> Sat, 25 June 2016 15:41 UTC
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Hi OpenPGP folks-- As i understand it, Werner is currently working on his draft of 4880bis using a pandoc2rfc toolchain. If we choose to adopt this draft (see my previous e-mail to the list), the underlying source of the document will actually be markdown. The work is being kept under revision control using git. We appreciate (and encourage!) any changes people want to suggest the usual way: via an e-mail to this mailing list explaining what text you think needs to be changed and why. However, some people may find it more convenient to propose specific machine-readable changes that can be applied directly to the source; if you want to do that, making them in the form of patches against the markdown is probably best. A public-facing copy of the git repo is hosted at gitlab for anyone who wants to make edits against the source: https://gitlab.com/openpgp-wg/rfc4880bis If you want to submit patches to the markdown in the draft's working copy, you can send them directly to this mailing list. I'm happy to help folks sort out using "git send-email" if they want guidance on making this toolchain work. In my own local copy, i've done: git config sendemail.to 'IETF OpenPGP WG <openpgp@ietf.org>' I find the documentation presented by "git help send-email" to be useful if you're unfamiliar with this workflow. Also, feel free to ask me for help if you have any questions with the tooling. While it's ok to submit pull requests or open issues (as placeholders for things that need to be addressed) via the gitlab repository, all IETF discussion should end up taking place on this mailing list. See CONTRIBUTING.md in the git repo if you're considering gitlab as a place to report issues. Whenever substantial changes to the document have been made and stabilized by WG consensus, we'll tag the git repo and submit another revision of the draft to the IETF datatracker so that changes and progress are visible to everyone, including the folks who are not using git. Please speak up if you have any concerns or questions about this mechanism. --dkg
- Re: [openpgp] Using Git for RFC 4880bis Daniel Kahn Gillmor
- Re: [openpgp] Using Git for RFC 4880bis Tom Ritter
- [openpgp] Using Git for RFC 4880bis Daniel Kahn Gillmor