[openpgp] PGP/MIME message mangling
Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg@fifthhorseman.net> Wed, 22 May 2019 07:40 UTC
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Subject: [openpgp] PGP/MIME message mangling
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Hi people interested in OpenPGP and PGP/MIME-- I think anyone who has worked with PGP/MIME messages has seen some MTAs break message structure or formatting in ways that make it difficult or impossible to perform the correct cryptographic operations on the message according to the specs. The fact that the mangling MTA may not be operated by the party whose message it is mangling makes it rather difficult to report the problem and get it fixed. That difficulty is exacerbated by not having a clear reference for the problem. Additionally, when some of those manglings become widespread or common, some implementers craft workarounds based on examples of the misbehavior. But often these workarounds are ad-hoc or private -- they aren't subject to review from the community, and they are tucked away in code that isn't particularly visible, leading many implementers to stumble upon similar problems independently and try to work around them on their own. I've just published a new draft that aims to collect examples of these manglings, and recommendations about sensible ways to handle them safely if you encounter them: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-dkg-openpgp-pgpmime-message-mangling-00 Only one particular mangling is fully fleshed out in the -00 release (I've named it "Mixed up" encryption), but a few more are pointed at in TODOs. If you have any examples of mangled messages sitting around -- in your implementation's test suite, in your pile of bugs-to-be-reported, please think of this draft as a place to collect them, as well as a place to document how to most effectively work around these failures as they are encountered by a friendly MUA. My preferred goal, of course, is to get the MTAs to stop mangling messages. If this draft can be used as a reference for that kind of bug report ("Your MTA appears to be mangling messages according to section X.Y of this draft"), great! But even if we succeed in fixing existing implementations, mangled messages may linger indefinitely in archives, so having a reference for how to deal with them safely will hopefully be useful. I welcome comments and feedback here on the list, and pull requests or open issues at https://gitlab.com/dkg/draft-openpgp-pgpmime-message-mangling I hope this is useful work! --dkg
- [openpgp] PGP/MIME message mangling Daniel Kahn Gillmor
- Re: [openpgp] PGP/MIME message mangling Albrecht Dreß
- Re: [openpgp] PGP/MIME message mangling Daniel Kahn Gillmor