[openpgp] Changes between rfc4880bis and crypto refresh (was: a new draft overlapping the WG draft)

Daniel Huigens <d.huigens@protonmail.com> Wed, 28 September 2022 09:10 UTC

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Subject: [openpgp] Changes between rfc4880bis and crypto refresh (was: a new draft overlapping the WG draft)
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Hi all,

I went through the diff and made a list of changes.

The crypto refresh specifies:

- Argon2
- Curve448

- AEAD-encrypted messages using Sym. Encrypted Integrity Protected Data
  packet version 2 (with KDF to bind keys to AEAD modes)
- Feature flag for Symmetrically Encrypted Integrity Protected Data
  packet version 2
- Preferred AEAD Ciphersuites subpacket (for signaling support for AEAD
  + symmetric algorithm combinations)
- AEAD-encrypted private keys add the public key to the additional data
  (to protect against the vulnerabilities documented on kopenpgp.com)*

- Require implementing OCB (instead of EAX)
- Discourage using IDEA, TripleDES, or CAST5
- Require implementing Curve25519, and encourage implementing Curve448
- Deprecate DSA, ElGamal, and weak RSA keys

- Salted V5 signatures and the "SaltedHash" armor header*
- Deprecate Revocation Key subpacket in favor of an escrowed
  Revocation Signature

- Padding packet
- Require using UTF-8 and encourage Literal Data Packet format u (UTF-8)
  instead of t (text)
- Deprecate Literal Data Packet special filename _CONSOLE
- Discourage generating and checking the optional ASCII armor checksum
- Discourage old packet tag format

- A length field before the S2K specifier in V5 encrypted private keys
  and V5 SKESK packets, to aid parsing*
- V5 PKESK which specifies the recipient fingerprint rather than Key ID

- Specify unknown packet handling
- Various clarifications, recommendations, and guidance for implementors

RFC4880bis specifies:

- AEAD-encrypted messages using AEAD Encrypted Data packet (without KDF)
- Feature flag for AEAD Encrypted Data Packet (packet 20) and version 5
  Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key Packets (packet 3)
- Preferred AEAD Algorithms subpacket (for signaling support for AEAD

- Restricted Encryption key flag
- Timestamping usage key flag

- Attested Key Signatures
- Attested Certifications subpacket
- Key Block subpacket (to include the public key making the signature)
- Registry for Signature Notation Data types

- Literal Data Packet format m (MIME)
- V5 signatures include the Literal Data Packet metadata in the hash
  (filename and date)*
- Literal Data Meta Hash subpacket (for certifying the filename and date
  of the Literal Data packet in V4 signatures)

* The items marked with an asterisk entail a difference in the wire
  format for the given packet (and version), causing an incompatibility
  between implementations of the crypto refresh and rfc4880bis. So those
  are perhaps the most important to come to an agreement on, in my view.

I may still have missed some things, but hopefully that's a mostly
comprehensive list. Please let me know if you see something missing.

I'll refrain from commenting further on individual changes in this
particular email, to keep it somewhat objective, but personally I think
we should try to keep the good ideas from both. From the beginning, the
process of the design team has been to merge stuff from rfc4880bis that
there is consensus on into the crypto refresh, and I think we could
continue doing so, if there's still energy in the design team to do so.
